
Accepted gods within the empire-

  Moradin, the All-father, Dwarven God of community and creation
Erathis, the Lawbearer, Goddess of civilization and law
Pelor, the Brightfather, the God of the sun, time and agriculture
Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, Dragon God of nobility and justice
The Raven Queen, the Goddess of death and fate
Ioun, the Goddess of knowledge and prophecy  

'Semi-accepted' gods within the empire-

  Melora, the Wildmother, Goddess of nature and the sea
Lakal, the dormant Goddess of healing and mercy
Corellon Larethian, the Elven God of magic and the fey
Kord, God of storms and battle
Azuth/Mystra, God of arcane magic  

Banned gods within the empire-

  Avandra, the Changebringer, God of Change, Luck and Halflings
Sehanine Moonbow, Goddess of Illusion, Love and the Moon
  Asmodeus, Lord of the nine hells, God of tyranny, corruption and contracts
Bane, Evil God of war and conquest
Gruumsh, God of orcs, destruction and pillaging
Lolth, Drow Goddess of deceit and shadows
Tharizdun, The mad God of decay and darkness
Tiamat, The evil dragon Goddess of greed and envy, sworn enemy of Bahamut
Torog, The evil god of torture, slavery and sadism
Vecna, The god of evil secrets
Zehir, The dark God of poison, assassins and snakes
Demon princes/Archdevils
Religious, Pantheon