The Savilierwood


  A vast and enchanting forest situated along the Karun River and the coastline of the Pacjour Sea, the Savilierwood is known for lush greenery, ancient trees, and deep and unknown mysteries. Home to the bones of a long dead elvish kingdom, Savilier Malesh, the forest has retained it's alluring and enchanting beauty, but has also gained a slight tinge of danger with the many magical beasts living around it.


Extending from the hills of Bhim Buldahr in the west to the edge of the Pacjour Sea and The Great Crevasse, the Savilierwood is defined by the denseness of its foliage and its towering treetops. Towering canopies block sunlight in some deep areas, while rolling forested hills and slow moving streams and tributaries feed into the Karun River, leaving excellent spots for mortal settlements.


The climate in the Savilierwood is mild and humid throughout the year, with the summer receiving the least amount of rain. The nearby seas to the south and northeast carry moisture inland, resulting in higher humidity in the forest, as well as preventing too many extreme temperatures. The region receives a significant amount of rain, contributing greatly to the vegetation. The sea moisture and the warm climate leads often to mist and fog, obviously more common in the morning and evening.

Fauna & Flora

The forest is known for it's diverse flora, specifically trees. From towering maples and ancient oaks to more esoteric ironwood and living metal trees in the ancient groves, the Savilierwood is a prime target for logging and timber companies from Calimshan. The undergrowth of the wood is teeming with ferns and wildflowers, with some parts of the forest home to rare and magical flora, like sentient mushrooms, singing flowers, or rare planets with magical properties.   The fauna are as diverse as the trees, and while you may discovered mundane life like deer, rabbits, and squirrels among the towering trees, the forest is more often known to harbor dangerous and mythical creatures. After the Great Rumble of 900 AC, the forest has been infested with Owlbears, Griffons, and Chimeras, causing great trouble for the villages along the riverside and the logging companies of the region.


The area was settled officially around 920 AC, soon after the Great Rumble, but the area was sparsely inhabited beforehand by villages and loggers.


Major Landmarks in the Region -   Along the end of the Karun River is Memnon, a large port town where most of the major businesses that deal in the region are based, as well as the major trade hub for the area.   In the western central area of the wood, a hidden clearing serves as a meeting point for hunters and travelers who braved the dangers of the deep wood. Large weathered stones marked with elven runes surround the permanent campsite, keeping magical beasts and fey away.   In the southeast of the wood, the Eversong ruins are all that remain of the wood elven realms here, destroyed thousands of years ago. The Wood Mythal keeping non-wood elves away has long faded. Overgrown with vines and surrounded by towering trees, the dilapidated walls still hold secrets of the past. The ruins are often the target of elvish relic hunters and are overrun with dangerous outsiders and dark fey.   Somewhere in the depths of the Savilierwood, a tranquil lake lies, its surface shimmering with darkness. Surrounded by gnarled and dark trees, the lake is said to be a natural portal to The Nightmare, where spectral beings and dark fey lurk.   In the northeast part of the wood, a structure of 5 towers lays. Covered archways arc from each of its corner towers to a central tower whose base rests 30 feet above the ground, connecting all the towers as one. This doorless, windowless set of towers was home to the members of Calimshan's adventuring wizards, the Magis Mir, who were secretly sworn foes of undead beings and would have become a threat to The Hakkari had they remained active. They mysteriously disappeared seven months ago. They have not been seen since. Apparently, a person could enter Magis Tor while wearing a special ring, none of which can be found in the absence of any members of the Magis Mir.
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