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Kingdom of Valeziland

The Kingdom of the Brother of Light


Valeziland is a land-based feudal structure with most of the power being with the council of Val, and the Kaizer being more of an arbiter or judge there hand disputes between the noble families. Unlike most Kingdoms, Valeziland the Kaizer is chosen out of all of the living Sons of the last Kaizer on his death by the council of Val. The council of Val is a set of Nobility that has a significant amount of land and is not a Vassal to another Noble Family.   Kaizer - Is the highest authority of the land within the Kingdom of Valeziland. There may not be able to make the laws, but they have the last word on interpreting them, and are the head of the military within times of war and need. Unlike other Kings that have a lot of direct power, the Kaizer has a lot of influence in the direction and has a lot of bargaining power, with all of the nobles, and commoners.   Valizer - It a member of the Council of Val, that was chosen to be the head of them. Their are one who presents the new laws to the Kaizer, and there oversees the meeting but does not have a vote within the Council.   Valduke - Are just like Dukes but do not have an immediate Lord, and therefore only have obligations to the Kaizer. Are given a set on the Council of Val.   Duke - Dukes are some of the highest-ranking nobles within Valeziland. Their title is inherited by the oldest living son. Like Grafs there are give a very large area of land to preside as Lord. There have the rights to the lands and to do with as there see fix with them. And just like Grafs there must pay greater tex to there lord and have a minimum number of Wehsteel, Knights, and Hellions for there Lord be called upon in times of war and needed. As well as have a minimum number of well Garrison set of fortifications, and maintain all of the major roads and bridges within there lands. Dukes are given the right to make new Graf titles so there may have helped them manage their lands.   Valgraf - Are just like Graf, but do not have an immediate Lord, and therefore only have obligations to the Kaizer. Giving this a seat on the Council of Val.   Graf - Are mid-ranking nobles with the title of Graf being inherited by the oldest living son. Grafs are given a large area of land to preside over as Lord. There have the rights to the lands and to do with as there see fix with them. Like the Schloses and Mayor must pay greater tex to there lard and have a minimum number of Wehsteel, Knights, and Hellions for there Lard be called upon in times of war and needed. As well as have a minimum number of well Garrison set of fortifications, and maintain all of the major roads and bridges within there lands.   Mayor - There are like Schlse, but for towns and cities instead of castles. There are not give as much land outside of their City's Walls. Mayor some will have Schloses within there City to run some of the bigger fortifications. On the death of a Mayor, the city council chooses the next mayor out of the old Mayor's living sans. Like Schloses, Mayors to pay greater tex to there lard and have a minimum number of Wehsteel, Knights, and Hellions for there Lard be called upon in times of war and needed. But there do not need to maintain any fortifications.   Schlose - There are true nobles with the title of Schlose being inherited by the oldest living son. Schloses are Lords of Castles and the land that surrounds them. There have the rights to the lands and to do with as there see fit with them. The Schose needs to pay tax to there lard and have a minimum number of Wehsteel, Knights, and Hellions for there Lard be called upon in times of war and needed. As well as a Schlose needs to keep there Castle within good repair and functioning order, with a minimum garrison. There have the Rights of justice on their lands.   Magister - Are the Kaizer Royal Guards and are the Judge, Jury, and Executioner for the Kaizer. They are the highest Judges of the laws within the land, only to the Kaizer themselves. Magisters have a home within the Capital City give to them, and are given a salary of 10 GP a day there are home and 50 GP a day there are not within the Capital City. Magisters are at the same level as most Knights and Hellions, but there Lord is only ever the Kaizer. The Kaizer is not allowed to have his own troops, but he is allowed to have a set Judges and Executioner to help him enforce the laws of the land.   Hellion - Are the elite heavy pikes of Valeziland, there are the lows of the nobles. Most male nobles are hellions. Hellions are given a small set of land as payment for there service to the kingdom. All hellions have takin a Vow of honor, loyalty, protection, and justice to their Lord, some have taken the Vow of Hellionhood, but no longer have a Lord. They look for a new lord and will wonder the land until they find one that needs them. Hellions have the rights of justice within there lands.   Knight - Are the elite heavy cavalry of Valeziland, there are the lows of the nobles. Most male nobles are knights. Knights are given a small set of land as payment for there service to the Kingdom. All of the knights have taken a Vow of honor, righteousness, loyalty, and beliefs to their Lord. Some have taken the Vow of Knighthood, but no longer have a Lord. They look for a new lord and will wander the land until they find one that needs them. Knights have the rights of justice within there lands.   Wehsteel - Are Voluntary solders for Valeziland, there give a week a month for garrison duty and training. And in times of war, there will serve for a period of up to one year. In return, there are give a ~250 GP a month as salary. This salary is increased by ~400 GP. There Family lands cannot be taken for them. Mast family has at least one Wehsteel within them.   Citizen - Are all of there who call Valeziland home, there are the people of the land. All citizens have the base rights to a trial, freedom of movement, and to be armed. Outsiders can become citizens by marriage or a Vow.   Non-Citizen - Are all outsiders that are within the lands of Valeziland. They have a level of protection for breaking some minor laws that may not have known about, but have none of the Rights Citizens have like the right to a trial or Fair Judgement. All outsiders are given a set of papers that Mark them as legally being allowed within the Kingdom of Valeziland.   Land-bound - Are bound to the lands there work. This is a punishment given to the worst of criminals. Those that are Land-bound remain so for a number of days and must work from Sun Up to Sundown on the Land of the one the crime was against. Within this time they have no rights under the laws of Valeziland. Most who get this fate do not make it to the end of there time.


Valeziland's people have strong beliefs in: Family, The Core Tenants of the Brothers, Nature Spirits, Hard Work, and Freedom.
  • Family is what one has given anything there may do, or that may happen to them. One's Family is the most important thing that all have. If one works hard to better themselves there are better there Family in return. One is not always born into there true family, but one's family are the ones who there know there can always count on.
  • The Core Tenants of the Brothers that are emphasized by Valeziland's people are The right of Man to rule, Lead by example, and never give anything away for free. Everything given must be earned, Deeds and actions speak louder than words.
  • The Nature Spirits of the land are the one who helps keep us in balance with the lands about us. The life within the lands we call home is on the edge of death. The Great Druid and his followers give their life for us the seeds of life within the lands. But a land that has the life ripped out of it by the High Dragons, will still need us to keep the balance for years to come.
  • With work come Purpose, with Purpose come Sustenance, with Sustenance comes Being, with Being comes Work. Show what you are by your deeds not your words. For you are what you do not what you say.
  • Freedom is the a Right for All. But is it with the Packs we make with others that give us structure to build a free land that is more thin just Anarchy and Passion.
The peaple of Valeziland have and live lives that focus freedoms of  Individual choice,  Judgment on one's actions,  Living a balanced life, and  Earning one's place and keep.

Demography and Population

Valeziland's population has a strong majority of Humans with a couple of minorities of Dwaves and Elves. Some groups for Corals, Catfolk, and Dragonborn and be found within the larger cities. With other individuals are of races be very rare within Valeziland. Most of the population lives within small welled towns about the countryside, but there is still a decent percentage that lives within the handful of Fortified cities.


The Military of  Valeziland is a set of mostly voluntary soldiers, with a higher class of elite heavy cavalry called knights, and elite heavy pike called Hellions. Each of this has takin a Vow.


The within Valeziland The Brothers' Pantheon is the main religion with all of the nobility have as there's, and a significant majority of the citizens following their ways as well. There is a sponsored church of the Brothers' within every town and some time Cites with have several. There are some individual followers of the True Gods, and there are is a collection of prominent druidic circles as well. there are no outright band or anything that's frowned upon within Valeziland.

Foreign Relations

Valeziland that a strong military, political, and trade Alliance with the Kingdoms of Durhold and Pyrmontria. Collectively this Alliance and the Kingdoms themselves are known as The Brothers' Kingdoms. As well as this Valeziland has a set of trade agreements with Thanic of Hammersteed and The Golden Empire. There have on relations with the newly formed Elven Kingdoms. There are in a perpetual state of war with anyone of the Orcist Khanates. The Kingdom of Orlessia is someone there are wary of at most times.

Agriculture & Industry

Valeziland is one of the biggest agriculture centers within this area of the continent. There grow and raise about a third of all of the foodstuff within there area of the world. That is mostly done to the prominence of the Druidic Circles within Valeziland. There has a small base of the Forestry industry, but there do not have very many other industry bases do to being a metal-poor kingdom.

Trade & Transport

Valeziland has a good network of basic reads and a good set of rivers that can be easily traveled for trade for the sea to flow inland easily for a great prophet for the foreign merchants, and the Making most goods ch for Valeziland's

By Bait, Plow, or Sword. Our Deeds will light the way.

Founding Date
40 years before the start of the Fourth Age
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Valeziland, The Brother of Light's Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Dwarven Crowns
Major Exports
Foods, and Livestock
Major Imports
Medals, and Woods
Legislative Body
The Content of Val Lords
Judicial Body
Court of the Magistrates of The Words of Light
Official State Religion
Official Languages

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