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The Golden Empire

The empire of the coral, above and beneath the waves


The Empire is politically divided into 11 Polis, or Great cites, each of these Polis have a function within the Empire. The Polis system of specializations have made it to where they need each other for different parts of life within the Empire. The Polis have the resources and , but not for what the others specialize in.   Vathenes: The city of warriors, mercenaries, and levvies. Vathenes is a fortress city focused around the development of individual fighting prowess - the soldiers and warriors that come out of Vathenes are fighters rather than soldiers, and are typically put to use across the empire as police, town guards, bodyguards, and the like.   Actessa: The city of faith and priests. Actessa is a cathedral and church city that focuses on producing members of the faith - they focus on giving out to the poor and needy, and pressure those in wealth to give charitable donations to the poorest of the city-states.   Didos: The city of industry and architecture. Didos designs and builds most of the buildings across the empire, and they have the most foundries and the most places of production such as mills and textures of any city in the empire.   Lamateia: The city of administration and oversight. Lamateia is typically hired out as managers, and they run most of the government and prison systems in the empire - as well as most managerial work as well.   Histronion: The city of learning and scholasticism. Histronion runs the school system and libraries across the Empire, and are the scientists and the teachers of the empire.   Tomateia: The city of trade and commerce. Tomateia has the biggest marketplaces, runs the banking system, and boasts that most of the empire's wealthy live here. A city of riches.   Askera: The city of environmentalists and nature. Askera is unique in that most of the buildings are grown, and is also where most of the empire's wine and fine foods come from. They also run most of the waste systems in the empire, as well as roads.   Morgedon: The city of politics and trickery. As the home to the empire's politicians, Morgedon is the home to the empire's secret police and is the center of all the backstabbing and lying politics that go in within the empire's borders.   Vasonesos: The city of healers. Vasonesos is the home to most herbalists, healers, and those who run the empire's healthcare systems.   Sidon: The city of war and military. Sidon is the home of all military activity in the empire, is the home of the soldiers, and is where new soldiers come to be trained. A deadly fortress city built for war.   Laodara: The city of the arts and ertainment. Laodara is the home to most of the empire's painters, sculptors, and those with artistic inspiration, as well as a vast majority of entertainers and red-light workers.   There are two other parts of the Empires government the Emperor and there Family, and the senate. The Poils run the day to day of the Empire and execute the will of the Senate and Emperor.   The Emperor has the right to pardon or forgive anyone, to veto an law as not just at any time, is the head of the military, and is in in charge of setting up and caring out a census every 7 years. The Heads of the Poils may call for a Sententia, or Vote of Tierney. And if 8 of the 11 Poils Heads vote in favor of the Sententia the Emperor is considered dead with in the line of succession, and a new Emperor is chosen. On the death of an Emperor, the Senate votes for a new Emperor out of a list of candidates chosen by the previous employer.   The Senate is made up of members of the Emperor. There are about 90 members of the Senate at an give time. The Senate is made up of 33 Representatives , 7 to 19 Magistrates, and 26 to 61 Senates. Each of the Poils get 3 Member of the Senate each. The Poils may change who and for how long there are within this office. The only thing being that the Representative must be a Citizen of the empire, and the Poils there are representing. The Magistrates are the chosen heirs of the Emperor, and some other secretaries the the Emperor may have filled. The last are the Senates. The Senates are elected by the Tribes. Each Senates will keep that sent for life or 9 year base on the tribe there are part of. Each of the Tribes votes as block. How many and how is in each Tribes is base on the last censu. The number of Senator positions available are based on how many Sanders belong to each tribe in how unbalanced the tribes are. The Senate makes the Laws for the Empire as a whole.


The people of the Golden Empire has a strong belief in fate, legacy, community, prophecies, and duty. There see the world as a system and set of subsystems.
  • A fate is something one must do within there life time. There see bad luck as signs one is actively avoiding there fate.
  • The legacy or legend that is leaves behind after ones death. Having a good legend that builds on one's ancestry is the best thing anyone can do to help out there family. People will do there best to defend the legend of there ancestors. And most will do there best to not do anything that can build a negative outlook on there legend.
  • Community is one city or trade there are pert of and ones it pert of. Ones community is what there build there legend for. By having a large number of legends give the commuity something to push and hold themselves to.
  • With signs form the gods are give there must be followed. Prophecies are just a move direct per of fate and is see as for the hold community not just the individual.
  • Everyone has a set of duty to there Self, Family, Community, and the Empire. Everyone has there own set of duty base on a number of things.

Demography and Population

The Golden Empire has a majority of its population as Coral. There have a minority of Jackalfolk, and Ganesha. Small groups of Catfolk, Dwarf, Oni, and Kobold. And there are individuals for most of the other races can be find within the Empire.


They control the entirety of the Golden Sea, and have a set of ports on the cost.


Highly-Organized, State Funded military. Most soldiers serve for a 10 year term, with most of the soldiers coming from the city-state of Sidon where they have trained most of their lives for such a task. There are others within the Empire that are port of the military but there are not the main fighting force.


All of the  Citizens of the Golden Empire follow The Olympic Pantheon this is something that there most do for it is against the law to be a Citizens. There are open to noncitizens doing and having small temples within the Empire. There are no follows of the ture gods for there are not the within the Olympics.

Foreign Relations

The Golden Empire has trade agreements with all but the some of the Orcish Khanates. There are not alliance with any others, but there are look to find a way of having some protectorates. The Golden Empire has a better understand and willingness to work with Kingdom of Khortekh.

Agriculture & Industry

The Golden Empire controls trade in the western half of the world. They have a major industry in almost everything, and trade for most of their food due to having little farmland

Trade & Transport

The Golden Sea has an unparalleled network of roads and trade routes within the empire, due to their empire being the great western sea.


Every citizen recieves a basic education, with each city having a unique and secret education unknown to outsiders for their citizens that every citizen of that city takes part.

Legends live, People die

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire of Gold Sun, The Western Empire, The Empire of Legends
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Gilded Notes
Major Exports
Everything they can and do not need
Major Imports
Food, Exotic Goods
Legislative Body
The Golden Senate
Judicial Body
The Emperor
Official State Religion
Official Languages

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