Valdr, Unraveler of Truths

... Valdr, raveler of reality, reveler of revalations; the horror of Truth revealed!

Cataclysm & Oblivion

After the Cataclysm, an event that annihilated all life, the Old Gods perished, and were reborn in a perpetual realm of ruin known as Oblivion. From their withered corpses, they carried a fragment of Divine Source, the shattered remnants of their old identities: the Forgotten Soul. Drawn like ravenous beasts, they converged in a frenzied bloodbath, devouring the Source from the fallen to absorb the spark of Life. Bereft of memories and stripped of their original forms, they battled with primal fury until one remained. From the mangled cadavers of these forgotten deities arose an Immortal, malevolent abomination: Sebut Sekt, Goddess of Calamities & Destruction.

Shortly after her horrific creation, Sebut Sekt fell into a nightmarish torpor, known as the Walking Dream. In this dreadful state, the vile and corrupt parts of her essence sloughed off, giving rise to the first Eidolons. These ancient entities, born from the detritus of fallen gods, are enigmatic, monstrous beings that defy the Natural Order. They harbor shards of Profane Source—a twisted, shadowy reflection of Divinity—imbuing them with unimaginable power and malevolent intent. The Eidolon's existence is a testament to the terror and chaos that Sebut Sekt unleashes upon the World of Pathon.

Ancient Eidolon


  Valdr, an ancient Arch-Eidolon, emerged during the Era of the Early Tribes of the Mythic Epoch's Ice Age. Known for revealing or concealing secrets, Valdr’s truths often sparked bloody revolutions. In complete darkness, Valdr’s true form is an androgynous humanoid of shadows; the rolling darkness is like a corpse-shell, scarred, melding with shadowy substance engulfing light and form. Valdr's form is inky and mutable, revealed only in the presence of Divine Light, a vaguely Proto-Human appearance engulfed in darkness.

Valdr possesses 2 large pearls- one black pearl, representing the darkness of deceit, and one white pearl, the light of truth. Valdr observes the World of Pathon through these lenses, imparting the inspirations they provide.

Mystomythian Menace

Valdr is known for revealing secrets to the early Myst & Myth Folk. When the rise of the 2nd Moon caused calamitous tidal flooding, Valdr completed Mystendr's lessons to Unagi of the Mysts, teaching him the Sacred Knot. When the numbing twilight shortened the days, Valdr gave Vavaya of the Myths the hidden secret of Flames, angering the Sun-Child, Ao.
Despised by the Deities, they pursued him to the edges of Mystomythia, where Valdr was devoured by the sleeping World Serpent. Valdr returned to the darkness and ruin of Over World, poisoned by the venom of the Pathon Loci. There it dwelt for some Time, but Valdr's true form was said to be the inspiration given the Loci when it created the race of Man.

Valdr's Revenge- Curse of Vampirism

Long after the Apotheosis of the Folk Divinities, Valdr reappears among the Aelves. Valdr traded Arcane secrets for the blood of the Children of Zynki. These were Tribal members of the Mystomythian Folk who carried the Divine Blood of Unagi and Vavaya's children. This practice of the Aelves led to the formation of the Immortal Blood cabal, and the practice of the magical Discipline, Sanguimancy. Despite Valdr's own warnings to the Aelves, misconceptions about their immortality and the true nature of Eidolons arose, resulting in cursed beings like the Alps, who haunt the mountains and deserts, and Vaelfnir, that spread the contagion, Sanguithage or "Blood Sickness". They became the "Lost Elves", cannibals and vampires who spread disease.

Valdr's worship was outlawed by Aelven Kings, but its' influence persisted, causing chaos and establishing a strong Dungeon presence on Aelven ruins after the Era of Aelven Courts. Bloody revolts continued until Valdr's name had been all but erased from the Aelven and Folk Arcanum.

Aspect- Vaal, Sanguinous Salubrious

In this form, Vaal is an Aspect Eidolon with a horned helm of ice, a golden chalice, a bronze spear and mirror. He carries magical stones like the Ancient Slingers and appears as a sun-tanned male Aelf with red and golden eyes. Vaal appears to those who consume alcohol or substances to attain altered states, becoming associated with truths spoken during inebriation. He can inspire fear or rage, cause or confirm suspicions, and conceal secrets for greater Blood Tolls, offerings of blood and wine. This vile practice was usually performed with one's own blood or poisoning someone else's wine.
Another ritual involves drinking and sharing a secret to the shadows to gain Vaal's favor. Devoted favor Vaal for his personal offerings, unlike the complex and demanding rituals of Valdr. Despite his capricious nature, Vaal promotes Valdr's secrecy by withholding greater mysteries. Oracles and Warlocks devoted to Vaal form clandestine societies called Debaucheries, holding Vaal’s closest secrets. These societies influenced early Tribal Nations, and their Sanguimancy maintained health and prosperity in dense cities.

As Time went on, Vaal's worship was outlawed as well, but this wouldn't occur for several Ages, where Vaal and the other Eidolon were free to corrupt the Aelves into early extinction.

Valdr's Dungeon- Hidden Lands

There was a Time before the perpetual Silent Millenias and the catastophe of the Catacylsm; a period of prosperity, where Life had taken on complex forms and intelligences. Despite their advancements, they were swallowed in the Cataclysm, now but the distant memory of tormented ghosts and wailing whispers in the winds of the Hidden Lands- Valdr's dark sphere of influence within Over-World. This Dungeon's tendrils pierce the physical realm, inviting Dungeoneers to explore a shadowed realm that once lived but has now since passed to the withering of eternal entropy and malaise. Valdr broods within, a shade upon a dusty throne, spreading contempt for Pathon's creations.

Behavior & Psychology

There are many mysteries surrounding the Eidolon of Truths. Valdr itself is not known to lie, steal, or deceive; it holds to its' word and intent with potency. Seeking Truth, Valdr knows all, sees all, and exposes all. It can reveal secrets of the minds of those who observe it, and to those who gain Valdr's favor, they are given the gift to see into the hearts of men. Valdr protects its' devoted from fallacies, steeling them against the harsh truths of the World.
Valdr is also quite mad- it has no appreciation for Life. Valdr is known for unraveling creatures down to the atom to expose the core of truth. This diminished value for mortal Life means those that interact with this mercurial Eidolon are always in danger of gaining its' curiousity. Vaal is considered less harmful in this respect, but this Aspect of Valdr is much more inclined to strategy and political games than Valdr the Shadow-Man.

This Eidolon is associated with illumination, revelations of Truth, and the balance of Magic, chaos and order. Valdr is feared, even amongst the residents of Over-World, as it has the ability to nullify Magic and is completely immune to common phenomenon. It can expose hidden forms or create new forms, both of which are painful processes of revealing truths. For this, even Sebut Sekt avoids the Hidden Lands, where this Eidolon broods upon distant memories and future potentials with immeasurable Time.
Content Warning
Defile of Obfuscations

Valdr the Shadow-Man


Divine Profile:
Eidolon Class:
Andriarch Eidolon
Eidolon Type:
Aspect Eidolon
Known Location:
Dungeon: Hidden Lands
Symbol & Diagram:
Illuminating Light, Temporary Flames, Shadow Signs, Mirrors

Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; an aspiring Game Dev, Writer & World- Builder! I've made these my Life's passion!   My mission is to write enchanting and compelling Stories that people can interact with!   Epic Sagas! Living through Love & Experience!   "Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!   This is a Legacy Project that has seen over 10 years of development! Progress on the Video Game led me to seek World Anvil as a Platform! Now, I spend much of my time developing content and expanding the setting here! You're invited to join along! I'm always happy to meet new Writers & World-Builders!   I'm the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents!   "Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new Worlds, expand your Horizons, and make a new friend! Share your experience and enrich others! This is the essence of the Story-Teller's dynamic! We are not a Chapter of WA, despite the rumors- so anyone can join!



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Aug 26, 2024 20:24

My friend, you've been cooking! I love how complex and whole Valdr's character feels, well done!

Hoo~ Hoo
Aug 28, 2024 15:13 by Myth Cross

Ay, Thank you! : D I'm super glad you enjoyed Valdr! Of the Eidolon, this is the most complete Article thus far, but it's definitely how I want to approach the Eidolon Articles moving forward! And yes, be aware of this spirit of subterfuge! There will always be more to Valdr than at first it appears!


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