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Raptors Nest

The island of Raptora or as it is better know The Raptors nest is a small Island located in the southern part of the Nisián archipelago. It serves as the home operation of several pirate factions that terrorise the archipelago as well as the eastern coast of Merew.


The island and the city that lies  upon it is built uppon an old coral reef. The island used to bee seen as uninhabitable due to it not hosting any native soil and was therefore ignored by early settelers of the erchipelago. It is perhaps because of this very reason that it became a refuge for criminals of the seas.

Fauna & Flora

The Island is home to endemic species of large crustecian called the reefmimic crab. This massive hermit crab carries entire colonies of coral on its back. In addition these are able to be trained by humanoids and are used as guard dogs by the ruling faction.


When the island first came to be inhabited by humanoids is not known but it is suspected to have started around the same time as the arcipelago became more inhabited over all. As more traid grew so did piracy and soon these outlaws needed a place that they could hide from the law.   The island and its inhabitats where actually large contributors in the Nisian independace movement from Merew . The varios pirate factions raded merewic ships and provided support in many battles. They did this in the hopes that the now weaker government would make their business easier. This backfired however since the new governemt that formed was much more used to navigating the seas than the merewic rulers.
Alternative Name(s)
raptor island, Raptora, pirate cove
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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