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Mul Curunir

An elven warlock who once hailed from Mir'Heled, Mul has always sought out two things: knowledge, and the preservation of his own life. Ironically, his search for the former tends to endanger his desire for the latter.   Like most children of Mir'Heled, Mul completed his preliminary studies and set off on his peregrination to learn more of the wider world and bring new knowledge back to the elves. He never finished the latter half.   Mul had always been drawn to the dark and mysterious. He was keenly aware that what he learned throughout his education was but the very surface of all there was to know. What's more, it was quite clear that there were secrets being deliberately held from him. Whether it was because he was too young or simply not ready for weightier knowledge; it mattered not to Mul. He was never fully satisfied with the "sterile" magic he learned in Mir'Heled and took every opportunity to seek out more than he was being shown. This inevitably led him to the Aboleth.   During his peregrination, Mul spent a great deal of time scouring the most ancient texts of libraries and archives in search of what came before the world as it is known today. He learned of the Primordial Titans and a means of contacting the ocean-dwelling leviathans of old. In time, he made contact with such a being and pledged himself to its service in exchange for the ancient lore it held within its collective consciousness with its fellow Aboleth. The old serpent put him to work on the surface world; acting as its eyes, ears, and hands in the hopes of regaining some of what once once their "rightful" domain. Mul did this work for over a decade before his arrangement came to an abrupt end at the hands of an adventuring party brought to Fendelen and Lake Aberren to deal with the strange disappearances Mul and the Aboleth had been causing.   The party slew the Aboleth, but Mul escaped (beginning a time-honored tradition of slipping away just before a killing blow could be administered). This was something akin to a crisis of faith for the young elf, who believed he had allied himself with an entity above the rank and file of ordinary mortals. This might have even spurred him to abandon his ambitions and adopt a quite life if the lich Shepherd hadn't found him a short while later and offered him even greater power in exchange for his aid.   Mul readily agreed, craving the knowledge he could gain from Shepherd as well as joining what he believed to be the winning side of the current conflict that plagued Horizon. Once again though, he was proven wrong, and Shepherd was defeated by the very same adventurers that killed the Aboleth.   Not to be deterred this time, Mul continued to climb up the power scale and made it so far as to encounter Cataclysm himself. He was fully prepared to enter into the service of the Fundamental Avatar until it became clear that Cataclysm's goals realized would not allow for the survival of anyone. What good is lost knowledge if you're too dead to comprehend it?   And so, spurred on by a sense of self-preservation that outweighed his thirst for knowledge and power, Mul instead offered his services to The White Tower Alliance in an attempt to warn them of Cataclysm's machinations before it was too late.   With them, he proved himself useful in locating a suitable sample of soul stone to create a new prison for Cataclysm in addition to lending his expertise to the disabling of the Plane of Water's Planar Spire.   After The Extinction War, Mul quickly and quietly stepped out of the spotlight. He spent a large portion of his life continuing his search for ancient and esoteric knowledge. When The 2nd Haedian Empire launched its exploratory venture of the lands far across the eastern sea, Mul lept at the chance to uncover a whole new world of knowledge.   By 1590, Mul became a well-established member of the Talhani Isles Assembly and was eventually inducted into the ranks of their elite SABRE initiative; the first native of Archaios to be given the position.
Year of Birth
1094 497 Years old
Aligned Organization


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