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Immortal Origins

  As a late child of his parents, Ximon Kofler went through the loss of his father as a teenager. His father lived a long life and died due to old age. His mother, only 9 years younger than his father, has started to become weak and show the same signs as his father. Ximon could not stand watching his mother die and decided to find the impossible, a way to immortality. He saved up as much money as he could to buy his supplies and leave his mother a year later.   Ximon had read about an old society that was scarcely written about, a group of people calling themselves The Immortals . He set out to find this group by any means necessary; hoping they would have the answer that he sought. As he went from town to town asking everyone he could about the group, to no success, he was kidnapped one fateful night upon leaving one of the settlements.   When he awoke, he found himself in a large, dark, round room with 4 men standing at all sides of him. These men were not pleased with him asking such silly questions about this "fake" group. After explaining himself of why he was set on finding them, they were pleased to see the passion within him of wanting to find these answers.   He was then subject to many tests of knowledge, exploration, plant and animal life, and basic magic wielding. From all the tests he could feel himself changing. In the 3 years that past, he studied, trained, and tested nonstop. His body continued to change. He could not figure out what was happening or way, but he had started to glow a light blue. The 4 men decided it was time and showed him what was beyond that circled room that he was confined to for 3 years.   After walking down a dizzying amount of tunnels he was brought to a large, carved-out room big enough to fit a small city in. Ximon was taken into one of the central buildings where he was told to sit in the chair that was in the middle of the room, after taking a seat he was tied to the chair. He then saw one of the men take a large staff and swing it at him as hard as he could. Ximon closed his eyes embracing for the impact, but the impact never came. When he open his eyes he saw the staff inches from his nose and the man wielding it still pressing the staff with all his might, and the staff would not budge. The man stopped his efforts and put the staff away.   After the 4 men had seen his power awaken he was integrated into their society and then finally learned that this was the secret group called the Immortals he had read about. After about 2 months of self-defense training he decided to head out on his own expedition. He left with a colleague of his named Grigor Smit, who had been one of the leading researchers of the group who took a liking to Ximon.   They traveled almost 3 week to an old temple ruin that was believed to hold ancient texts of people living for thousands of years. Ximon and Grigor decided to set up a base camp knowing they would be there at least a week. On the 5th night while Ximon was to keep watch, he decided to take to reading a book to keep the flow of research going. He then heard Grigor scream and saw a bright flare of green light. Knowing it was Grigor, Ximon ran back to the center of camp to find Grigor beaten within an inch of his life. With the last moment of energy he had he handed Ximon a letter he was in the process of writing, asking Ximon to finish what he never could.   Ximon fled the camp and went back to the Immortals' hidden town. He gave his field report and informed them of the demise of Grigor. He also came back empty handed; leaving all of their main notes and recovered artifacts in the camp in a panicked flight of fear. The Immortals bestowed the "Cursed Rose" upon him for his folly at the camp, labeling him as only a lowly helper, which he resented with every fiber of his being. He wanted to lead his own research, not help others with theirs. Knowing his Mother's time was dwindling with every passing day, he fled from the Immortals to start his own research with what Grigor left him.   Within the letter from Grigor where questions to help lead him and help focus him on the answers he was trying to find. This Ximon took to heart and started to work on these questions that even Grigor, his teacher, could not answer.  

Life in Death

Ximon's research would eventually lead him back to his home of Waypointe, where he would experience ground zero of an undead invasion cascading down the mountain slopes. He fought bravely to defend his home, but was ultimately killed in his attempt to square up with a powerful dracolich. However, this would not be the end of the young Mystic. In his last moments, Ximon was overcome with a cavalcade of anger, hatred, and rage. His fury was directed at himself for letting his loved ones down. It was directed at the Immortals for shunning him after years of brutal training. But most of all, it was directed at the dragon and the swarms of undead that were trampling everything he had worked for underfoot.   So great was his wrath that even death could not quench it. Instead, he got right back up again, animated by a singular purpose to destroy the dragon and its allies. He knew that trying again alone would be suicidal, and so he sought out allies: the very same adventurers who aided in the evacuation of Waypointe. Together, the group traveled across Horizon seeking worthy allies and combating the forces of Shepherd and his undead forces.   Ximon would prove to be "fluid" in his allegiances; coming and going with the main group as he saw fit and striking bargains with anyone who seemed like they could aid in his journey. This eventually led to him attempting to broker a deal with Shepherd's inner circle itself; hoping to act as a "friendlier face" for the lich's campaign and spare more lives as well as historical records and artifacts. Unfortunately, the warlock he spoke with proved to be a narc, and called on the lich himself, who would not accept the Mystic's perhaps naïve proposition. While he put up a hell of a fight, Shepherd slew Ximon and resurrected him as an undead thrall to serve amongst his inner circle. Fortunately, his time as a zombie was short-lived, and he was fully remade as a living human once again when it was all said and done.  

A New Beginning

Having barely made it past 20 and already seeing enough horror to last a lifetime, Ximon took it slow for a while; spending time on Brynn's Mystic Isle and re-centering himself. When King Aurum called for aid in dealing with the Reckoning in Requiem, Ximon was initially reticent to go. Eventually though, his sense of duty won out and he traveled to the war-weary province to lend what aid he could. This turned out to be an excellent idea on his part, as this would lead to his meeting of Princess Tria Fortis, with whom he would fall head over heels in love. After the day was saved in Requiem, the pair even received the King's blessings to wed and to roam the world.   The pair would again dive headlong into battle as they joined The White Tower Alliance in their desperate battle against Cataclysm, albeit here in more of a support role than front line warriors.With the conclusion of The Extinction War, Ximon was able to finally engage in the one thing he wanted above all else: retirement.    Ximon enjoyed his remaining days as Prince-consort of The 2nd Haedian Empire, enjoying all the luxury of the position without the stresses of rule, which was left largely to his wife, Queen Tria. While he had long ago given up the lofty ambitions of the Immortals, his psionic powers and Tria's magic ensured that both of them enjoyed a lengthy life together.
1200 1312 112 years old


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