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Jamey Vega

One of, if not the best dropship pilot in the entire Archangels Mechanized Infantry Corps. One of her first memories was seeing an Archangel dropship fly over her head at absurd speeds. Ever since she was little, she had a need for speed. Now, she pilots the single fastest machine that the Archangels can provide.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Though her face appears soft, and delicate, she is anything but. Her hair is always hung on her right side. Her eyes, though the most common color, have a gaze that is anything but.

Identifying Characteristics

Most know her by the yellow poncho. No other pilot wears anything other than their compression suit while flying as to avoid distractions that could come with fabrics hanging off their body. She has exactly zero care for that concern.

Special abilities

Her reflexes are borderline superhuman. She has seen mechanon beam weapons charge in her rear view, and evade just before they fire.

Specialized Equipment

She refuses to pilot anything that isn't the NA-mk15 Dropship. This is the single fastest machine to fill the Archangel hangers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From a young age, she had a need for speed. One of her first memories was seeing a dropship fly overhead ad absurd speeds. She wanted to be that dropship. She spent her time studying the Archangels, and how they operate, with the hopes of one day joining them of a pilot. She was denied entrance the first time she applied. Her need for speed was unquenchable. Her next move was to join the local street racing league. Her time studying the very concept of speed served her well in this lifestyle. She quickly became that leagues champion, and hosted several races herself, and avoided capture by the police every time.   The one time she was caught, she had over forty felony charges of various traffic charges. Instead of locking her up, the Archangels that stopped her race brought her to commander Mason Lewis. He gave her a choice, either drop everything regarding her current life to become a dropship pilot, or spend several decades in prison. Naturally, she chose to become a dropship pilot. She has spent her time aiding the Archangels ever since.


While she is currently single, she does have eyes for one particular man. That man in Johnathan Moore.


She is a smart woman. As a child, she spent her time studying all things regarding speed. How it's generated, the history of the fastest machines made by man, and how it is used in all things.


She spent the beginning of her adult life as a street racer. Her need for speed came above all other needs. Once she was finally caught, and apprehended, she was given the opportunity to become the thing she wanted to since she was a child. She became a pilot. That has been her profession ever since.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She was the pilot that picked up the surviving three during Operation Rapture. She dropped many lances for the Armageddon Division and picked them up again, bringing them safely to the safe zones.

Failures & Embarrassments

She was caught during what was likely her most important street race, as that race would have made her the leader of that racing league.

Personality Characteristics


If you asked her, she'd say "To serve my fellow man." This is simply not true. She actually does this to feed the addiction that her time street racing gave her. She is addicted to speed. The very thought of moving faster than humanly possible gets her out of bed in the morning.

Virtues & Personality perks

She will not leave a problem unfinished. If a problem arises, she will work to fix said problem until it is no longer a problem.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is not afraid to go faster. Both literally, and figuratively. If there is a problem she will work solve it at a speed that often leaves her friends in the dust.
Current Status
Aiding in the prep for the coming second wave.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
27th of April, 2624
Year of Birth
2623 A.D. 24 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was born during a mechanon raid on the walls of the safe zone.
she her
longish, black, sleek
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark pale
120 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"bulls***! I haven't even hit Mach 5 yet!"
Christian, (Protestant)

Cover image: by Me, with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of A.I.


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