BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


They are viewed with respect, and awe as they are the only things keeping the aliens at bey. Titanmaster is a generic term for any Archangel that is lucky enough to not only be free of all mental disorders, but also has the mental strength required to pilot the titans.


In order to become a titanmaster, you must have no mental disorders, an IQ of at least 110, and at least two years of other military service, be it as safe zone security, or as a wall guard. Then, you must have two more years of mental training to even pilot the smaller titans. To pilot the larger titans, one must spend at least two hundred hours linked between man, and machine.


Any titanmaster is required to answer the call to arms whenever the alien threat is seen on the horizon.


Being a titanmaster in not just glory, guns, gore, and mechs. There are some menial duties that are nevertheless essential to maintaining themselves, and their titans. One such duty is making sure their systems are up to date, be it the shared comms link, or their objective uploading software. There are also some mental exercises that must be performed. Such as, a procedure that involves a neural link between the titanmaster, and a machine that deliberately puts stress on the mind to strengthen the mind, and improve their ability to pilot larger machines.


All Archangels are supplied with rent, and Morgage free housing. Their families are supplied with all the food they need. They are also granted influence over the law enforcement division of the Archangels.

Accoutrements & Equipment

All titanmasters have unlimited access to humanity's greatest weapon: the titans. All shapes, sizes, and classes are at the disposal of the titanmasters.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If a titanmaster abuses their influence over the law enforcement divisions, or any form of influence, they will be immediately discharged, and ejected from the Archangels' ranks, with no hope of retuning. If an Archangel refuses a call to arms, they will be immediately dicharged, and ejected from the Archangels' ranks. If they turn against their fellow soldiers, they are not only discharged, but are also forced to serve a minimum of fifty years in prison.


Every battle fought against the mechanon post the invention of the titans have been fought by the titanmasters.

Cultural Significance

They are viewed as saviors by the people of the safe zones, and for good reason. They have saved the safe zones from destruction time, and again.

Notable Holders

The most famous titanmaster is Michael Ward because he was the highest ranking of the three that survived operation Rapture.
Civic, Military, Generic
The rank titanmaster was made in the year 2591
Source of Authority
A titanmaster has the influence to take over a police operation, and heavily influence on any decisions made by a chief of police.
Length of Term
The minimum term is five years behind the controls of a titan. There is no maximum term. If a titanmaster leaves the Archangels, they may return any time they desire.
Past Holders
Related Locations

Cover image: by Me, WIth the use of A.I.


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