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2022-11-12 Pallisade Plight


Player Characters

  • Alystin
  • Bryndd
  • Val & Soonie
  • Balasar
  • Wiznt



  • A woodcutting site was set up at the edge of the Kazzin Forest to provide wood for the new pallisade around Salmund. The wagon transporting this wood was overdue for its arrival by 2 days. Sheriff Karock asked the characters to investigate. He also mentioned that there might be spies in the town somewhere, which need to be weeded out.
  • They followed the wagon path, and discovered that something large smashed part of the wagon, and killed its guards and driver. They followed the footsteps to find two ogres nearby, who were feasting on a mule that was pulling on the wagon. The party convinced the ogres that they couldn't be eaten, much to the ogres' annoyance and confusion. The ogres mentioned that another group of humanoids had told them about "moving food boxes" in this area, which led them to attack the wagon.
  • The party reported back to Karock. They discussed ways to protect future caravans, such as hiring the Bonepike Clan goblins that the town allied with earlier. The party decided they would prefer to protect the next wagon themselves, earning 100gp/day for the next 20 days (one shipment per day).
  • They traveled with a new wagon as well as Melevar, the wainwright. They were attacked by the ogres, then some goblins. Melevar repaired the broken wagon, but the party had to leave it in place for the moment, since there were no spare mules left to pull it. They continued, arriving at the woodcutting site.
  • Soonie found a dead displacer beast nearby in the woods. It was killed by claws, cleanly decapitated, and left to rot. Val collected its pelt, which was later given to Quasar to craft into a magic item. The party followed a series of goatlike hooves, but lost the trail after a while.
  • They escorted the loaded shipment back to town without incident.
  • The next day, they visited the Crossroads, searching around for Emerald Feather spies. Alystin threatened the drunk halfling for information, and Gregor the barkeep nearly kicked him out. Alystin also chatted and gambled with a traveling group of adventurers, but lost money to them. The leader, an elf sorceress named Elma, offered to teach him some tricks of sorcerery.
  • Balasar talked to Al-Zabuj, owner of the Enchantry, who was known to have paid the Order's individual protection fee. Al-Zabuj did not deny paying them, and mentioned that they probably have agents nearby to protect him if needed.
  • Wiznt wandered around the town, searching for clues. He noticed he was being tailed by a halfling, and returned to the party. The party turned to ambush the spy near the downtown area. They successfully knocked out the spies and thugs who emerged to fight. Most Emerald Feather members wore Emerald Feather Signal Rings.
  • After locking up the Emerald Feather agents in the jail, the party questioned one of them. They learned that the Order was run by three leaders: the Chief of Feathers, Chief of Arms, and Chief of Eyes. The spy reported to a manager named Torrace each Saturday at midnight at a meeting site north of the Bazen Hills.

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