
A small oasis trading post on the outskirts of hell itself, Copia is often a place for those who are looking to disappear. The Be'Teu long have used Copia as a resting point along their nomadic journeys, and so there is no mistaking their very real presence here. Their location alongside the The Fallen Empire of Khermi also means they are home to a great number of adventurers, treasure hunters, mercenaries and archaeologists within the small enclave. Copia also sees itself outside of the influence of any of the major governments around them, even hiding from the conflict that often scatter the Contested Lands. Many sellsword companies will sail in through Copia, and the local government works hard to keep the peace.   Copia is run by a triarchy of former sellsword company captains, who are partnered with a singular Be'Teu representative. A combination of highly paid former mercenaries and elite Be'Teu maintain the peace around the trading post. Many maintain the peace alone to not anger the fury of the Be'Teu people.   The town is also home to The World's End, an infamous tavern home to a direct tunnel to the underdark, and promises of riches to anyone brave enough to delve deep into Ardicil.
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