Temple of Change

The Temple of Change is notoriously a dangerous and corrupted place on Varda. Many milienia ago, this was a supposed site of a dangerous and prolific congregation of those who followed Zaridun, The Changer of Ways. A culmination of their beliefs, and desperation caused by being hunted by a dangerous paladin order caused them to try and accelerate their plans to open a portal to Zaridun's abyssal layer. It backfired, killing the dangerous magi and thrust the local area into an abyssal darkness that has yet to be cleansed.   Many various religious orders have tried to curb the influence that Zaridun has over the area, but the best they have been able to achieve is a stable containment of its slowly spreading influence.   The Rumh Guard works with these various religious collectives in order to maintain a perimeter around the temple. Within the temple lies twisted and chaotic magic, and even the great archmages of the Illuminated Assembly and the Luna Academy  are still struggling to scratch the surface of its unraveling mysteries. Notorious around the area is shifting gravity wells, demonic horrors roaming the sands, and as you get closer to the temple, one might experience glimpses of the past, the future or some eldritch sight into the abyss.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location