Kingdoms of Arden

The Kingdoms of Arden are said to have been founded thousands of years ago, and its history is shrouded in grand myth and legend. What is known is that these now unified kingdoms were once a gathering of petty lesser kings and warlords until the Great King Loras Orlean unified them all under the banner of his royal family, House Orlean. From there, he established the monarchy that would rule for years to follow.   The petty kings are now organized into the High Dukes Paramount, each having vassals of their own, but ultimately pledging their loyalty to the Great King in Kingsgarden. The Kingdoms of Arden however are rarely ever truly unified, as lords and ladies scheme and plot against each other, and siblings creating rivalries and wars between each other. House Orlean does what it can to keep the lesser lords in line, but that is a feat only a sole few monarchs have truly achieved.   They have kept their power thanks to a powerful alliance with a now ancient Gold Dragon. The health of this dragon is now failing, and not only do the great houses seek to overthrow House Orlean but so do those in the north, from Suderland, Au Lac.

Demography and Population

The Kingdoms of Arden are primarily human. However, like all of Ardicil, there are mixes of other races and species located all throughout. There is also a higher than average population of Dragonborn in the Kingdoms.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state

Articles under Kingdoms of Arden