Merchant's Rest

Merchant's Rest sits at the mid ground of the mountain pass, between Khar Darom and Nadee. The cultures of the two civilizations have bled over to the growing town of Merchant's Rest, with bits of both cultures blended together here in a melting pot. Merchant's Rest was considered lawless many years ago, but combined efforts from the government in Nadee and handfuls of the clans from the Darot Mountains  The culmination of trade here has blossomed into the creation of the famed Twilight Market. Once a month, hidden in the catacombs away from the prying eyes of the local law enforcement, a unique market appears in Merchant's Rest. This market displays all manner of unique magical items and objects, seen nowhere else in the world. These are provided by all manner legal and illegal means, and asking too many questions will make sure you don't get an invite to the next one.
Large town
Location under