Zorn Harbor

Zorn Harbor was originally a great port city of The Fallen Empire of Khermi, that was left abandoned and ruined after the empire was destroyed. Most of the city was picked dry by scavengers and treasure hunters when the government of Khar Darom decided to re-colonize the coastal city. Years of restoration projects and the efforts of engineers and builders have brought the city back to life, in a unique way. Most of the ruins have been repurposed or restored, rather than destroyed and built anew.    This has created some unique combinations of the new and the old that are scattered around the city. The old aqueduct system that was magically powered now serves as a crisscrossing water based tram system for the city, and the former pyramids of Khermi have been repurposed into various different academies, with the two largest being home to the Academy of Engineering and the Academy of Arcane Construction.
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