Parvus Enclave

The Parvus Enclave is a collection of the High Thinkers that rule over Anklegnaw and by default the various minor groups of gnomes that live within the Purple Mountains. While they technically hold sway over the entirety of the Purple Mountains, almost all of their effort is set upon managing and governing the city itself. Those within the Enclave are elected by the various guilds, wealthy families, the temple of Gond and the Quartz Academy.   Between the group of them, they elect a Thinker Supreme to act as head of the state. For the last century a bombastic gnome by the name of Silvia Zezlo has been the Thinker Supreme. She is a shrewd and capable politician, who has made a name for herself juggling the interests of the varying power bases in the city.   Their main goal is the protection and enforcement of law in the city, and of late they have been concerned with the amount of underdark incursions that have been occuring the Deepknife Mines. They also run the Cogs, the enforcement arm of the Parvus Enclave made up of all manner of intricate war machines, constructs, and the mad men and women who wield them. The more regular policing force is made up of a volunteer city watch that patrols their local neighborhoods, as the Cogs are too poorly staffed to police all four layers on their own.   When the Straatan Empire began to threaten the Enclave, the High Thinkers turned towards the Grand Alliance, and joined them in return for gifts of technology and open trade. They have remained mostly independent of the cultural influences of Evermoot, and are content to provide military materials when neccessary. The Alliance in turn is glad to have the airships and arcane weapons of the High Thinkers aimed at their enemies, rather than them. The High Thinkers also maintain enough political clout to keep the outside influences away from the Purple Mountains.
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
Government System
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories