
Even rarer than Residuum Wyrdstone is one of the only known naturally occurring arcane substance in not only the material plane, but all of the planes. It is a conduit of powerful magic, and can shaped to fit all manner of applications.   The creation of skyships was ushered in with the use of Wyrdstone to keep the large ships afloat. Arcane firearms usable by anyone utilize Wyrdstone as their firing mechanisms. Powerful machinery meant to hollow out whole mountains is powered the the nearly endless source of magic that is Wyrdstone. During the War of Arcanum, great war machines were powered with Wyrdstone, and had the capability to level whole cities. Much of the known Wyrdstone was consumed during the war. The remaining warforged usually have a Wyrdstone heart.   Wyrdstone however can have serious side-effects for those prolonged to its exposure. Mutants have been created by the material, and even the local flora and fauna can be mutated and altered by its presence, giving them arcane energy. There are many cases of Wyrdstone causing madness as well. Thus, many governments have banned the sale and traficking of Wyrdstone through their territories. Such examples include the Holy Region of Au Lac , and the Kingdom of Arden.      Wyrdstone is now only found in a few places in the world. Places where the borders between the planes is thin. Because of this Wyrdstone is not only difficult to find, but actually mining it can be incredibly dangerous, as being so close to another plane is likely to draw incursions. Thus very few rare mining operations exist in the world, and are instead closely guarded secrets. The largest known mine is located in Anklegnaw, and tightly controlled by the Parvus Enclave. Wyrdstone here is brightly colored, and purple.   Other known mining locations of Wyrdstone:      
  • The Sundered City , Wyrdstone from the The Fallen Empire of Khermi is known to have a sickly green tinge to it.
  • Isle of Winds, Wyrdstone from here tends to be speckled with stars of the night sky.
  • The Ice Peaks, Wyrdstone from here is known to be cold to the touch, and steam when in warmer weather.
  • Arthul Quarry, Wyrdstone from here is weaker, and is speckled with brown spotting.
  • Eye of Terror, Wyrdstone from here is known to be the most powerful, and also chaotic. It changes color and flickers with power.
  • Melqwan Jungle, this Wyrdstone supposedly came from the comet that struck the island. 
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