
Anklegnaw is home to Gnomish culture in the known world, and is the largest gnome-dominant city in Ardicil. During the fall of Karak, many dwarven refugees who made it out of Volksgrad found their way south and to the city under the Purple Mountains.   The city is deep carved from the stone under the high peaks, and the sun is only present at the skyship ports, high above the city itself. Yet the caves are lit by both arcane means, as well as a naturally glowing fungi that permeates the wide open caverns that fill the great city. The streets are confusing and lack clear direction, a trait of the tricky gnomes who initially designed it.     Nearly every evening is a wild party celebrating the end of a productive day. Music, fireworks, dancing, and lots and lots of alcohol have given Anklegnaw a reputation as one of the rowdiest locales on Vinyamar. Such a lifestyle can be taxing on folk not used to such grueling labor and formidable merriment, but as the saying goes, "ya come here for an early grave worth earning."   The traditional nighttime drink is called a jolt bomb, a mixture of strong liquor and an energy-boosting herbal concoction that is considered by the hardest workers as a necessity to properly embrace an evening of revelry, though some visitors complain of the rather unpleasant aftermath of imbibing the powerful substance. A jet-black coffee with the consistency (and some say, the taste) of lantern oil is customary the following morning.


The city is organized into four main layers, and each layer is connected by a series of stairs, magical elevators, and a somewhat sophisticated arcane train-like system that was repurposed from an old mine cart system.   The topmost layer is known as the Skyports, and is located near the peak of the mountain. It is by far the smallest of the districts, reserved for approaching skyships from other parts in the world. Primarily these ships come from Ossenmark, Straatos, Fasaryr Harbor and Ramas. The infrastructure on this layer is built around shipping and passenger processing, and only a handful of people actually live this high up.   The second layer is known as the Archheart, and is the largest of the layers. It is where a majority of merchants and religious temples are located, and also home to the Violet House, center to the High Thinkers of the Parvus Enclave that rule over Anklegnaw. It is home as well to the entertainment district, a favorite among local gnomes. This district is packed with wine houses, theaters and the Quartz Academy. The Quartz Academy is home to a great number of mages, artificers, and magical craftsmen who work closely with the High Thinkers. Most wealthy and some of the upper middle class live in the Archheart.   The third layer, known as the Expansion is a massive residential district for both the poor and lower middle class families of Parvus. Quarters are packed tight here, with buildings stacked on top of each other precariously, and honeycombed into the walls of the mountain itself. This layer was built when the Dwarves of Ruins of Karak, found refuge in Anklegnaw, and thus this layer has a great population of dwarves here. There are a handful of more ramshackle shops here, mostly general stores and forges run by the dwarves. A handful of dingier taverns and ale houses also find their home here, alongside the city's criminal element.   The bottom layer, known as Dragonbelly is the industrial sector of Parvus, and has very few residences. It contains the Deepknife Mines as well as the powerful foundries that craft fantastical technological wonders. It is well known that the first skyship designs were created here in Anklegnaw.
Large city
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Owning Organization

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