
Raka are people of the Glorylands of Tsirakan, appointed by the Prosai to govern a particular town or city. There are three Raka per settlement, and each is personally selected by the Prosai. Raka typically serve three year terms, which can be renewed twice, after which they are retired. However, should the Prosai wish, they can commute retirement and reinstate a Raka for up to three more terms. Theoretically, this could be done until a Raka's death, though in practice retirements are rarely commuted.   Officially, Raka are considered public servants, and as such the position is open to both citizens and the Liberal, though the overwhelming majority of Raka have been citizens. Raka are allowed to report directly to the Prosai, but in practice they report to the Tezrakhar of their region, and "going over the Tezrakhar's head" has had negative consequences in the past.
Civic, Political
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Three years. Term can be renewed twice before retirement. Retirement can be commuted by the Prosai
Reports directly to