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Keepers of The Spineroad

Villane is one of the City states of the The Sunhold Compact Confederacy. It is the gateway to the north as such they see many merchants coming through. Additionally, Villane is positioned near fertile farming and grazing land, and as such it is capable of producing food in good quantities. Meat is a big export for the town. Elven and Dwarven goods will make their way down from Calimshan and have to pass through Villane on their way to the Two wealthiest Cities of the compact, San'Arad and Erador. Villane works hard to maintain the road (The Baron's Highway ) for about 3 days travel (75 miles) on either side. For this, they collect a toll for use of the road (5sp for travel on foot, 2gp for horses and 10gp per wagon) on either side of the city.The Highway Brigade (a government organization) handles this maintenance. The Villane Constabulary patrol this section of road making is the safest in the Region. Patrols Stop all travelers and verify that they paid the toll (Check paperwork).   Villane sits in the The Spineroad , the main north-south thoroughfare that can get you from Calimshan to Fort Deadspear.   Villane has not seen a whole lot of danger since The Colapse over 200 years ago, but banditry in the Erador Plains is common due to the limited reach of the law enforcement organizations of each of the city-states of the compact. For this reason, Villane has a wall (wooden with Rampart) around the The Innerstead where about 1/4 of the residents live. The rest of the residents live in the ‘ourterstead’ (outside the wall). It is very much a class/wealth division that separates the inner and outer steads (though neither is super rich). The farther from the center you get, the poorer the inhabitants. Getting inside the wall requires a written invitation from an innersteader of sufficient clout, or just being obviously rich or highborn, you can get in.   Both steads of Villane, as well as the Toll road, are patrolled by Villane’s Law enforcement organization called The Villane Constabulary . Constables report to the Sheriff of Vilane. They also man the two gates into the walled portion of the town.   On either side of the Outer City, Hawkers and street vendors line the sides of the main road into the The Innerstead . Getting off the main road you will find the Northern Outerstead more devoted to trades (Carpenters, Smiths, Weavers etc) and the Southern Outerstead has more to do with hospitality (Inns, Taverns, Stables etc.) and is the residential part of town. The The Highway Brigade has an office on both sides. Because the economy focuses on the road, there is not much on the North-West side of town, instead, the Outerstead Follows the bypass road around the wall to the South-East. The Eastern Outerstead tends to be the shadier part of Villane as you get off the bypass road.


98% Human 2% Haftling


Autocracy under John Tarsly


Villane has a Wooden palisaded wall surrounding The Innerstead where the more well-to-do residents live.

Industry & Trade

The primary industry of Villane Revolves around the Baron's Highway and dealing with the merchants that pass through. Villane is located near a river crossing allowing access to the northern side of the Erador Plains . The hillier nature of Villane's surroundings makes it more suitable for grazing livestock than agriculture, as such meat is a major export from VIllane.

Guilds and Factions

Both The Adventuruer's Guild and The Brotherhood of Slayers have A presence in Villane. They handle more complex jobs for defense of the Baron's Highway and the outlying parts of Villane itself.   Law enforcement in Villane is under the responsibility of the Villane Constabulary .


Inside the wall people live in well built wooden homes. Generally two levels with a basement. They are mostly well to do merchants, business owners or government officials. Everything inside the wall is packed together pretty tight. Only the main road down the center passing the Baron’s Manor is over 10 feet wide. Because of this wagons and carts can’t navigate the town very well so the town employs a lot pack mules to get things down the narrower streets and alleys. It is common to see wagons being unloaded onto mules on the main road in the innerstead.


Villane is located at the norther end of The Erador Plains about 1 week's journey south of Port Ayara at the center of the Baron's Highway.

Natural Resources

The land to the East of Villane has fertile farmland of the Erador Plains. To the North and West, they see rolling hills and scattered forests that provide lumber and pasture for livestock.
Owning Organization
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