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The Sunhold Compact Confederacy

The Sunhold Compact is a loose confederacy of the various city-states of Northwest Areldia. It was founded in response to aggression on the part of The Kingdom of Thane. Mustering their combined forces after the fall of Taris, the Confederacy pushed back the army of Thane to the Emerald Valley.   Prior to the Compact, the individual city-states were fully independent, but now they share in contribution to their mutual defense via coordinated taxation. The City-states engage in mutual free trade between them and citizens are free to relocate as they wish among the cities. Government varies by city, but in general social classes have more to do with economic success than birthright or political power. Each state has its own laws, but they do not tend to differ dramatically. With a strong bent toward freedom, prostitution and some of the less harmful drugs are generally legal in the cities, with the notable exceptions of the more conservative Cragmaw Pass, Westmarch Keep, and Rochdale. San'Arad is the oldest and largest of the Cities and generally considered to be the de-facto capital of the Compact Region.


The Sunhold Compact Confederacy is administrated by the Sunhold Council. This council consists of the leader or appointed representative of each of the city-states. Council matters are decided by a vote with each member voting with the weight of their states respective population.

Public Agenda

The Primary Agenda of the Sunhold Compact is the security of the region against outside invasion. Individual city-states are responsible for their own internal security. To a lesser extent, the Compact supports economic prosperity through free trade and open borders within the Confederacy.

Demography and Population

The Sunhold Compact Region is primarily populated by Humans but does have small populations other races in some areas. Haftlings have established a few scattered hamlets and villages in the Erador Plains. Calimshan, the most rapidly expanding city-state, has grown into the gateway to the east and now sees reasonable numbers of Elves and Dwarves, but by the time you reach Port Ayara, they are rare.


Military defense is coordinated by a council of city leaders who vote with the weight of their respective populations in all council matters. They elect generals to lead the “Sunhold Legions” and carry out the council’s defense-related orders. Due to the structure, Sunhold is vulnerable to military conquest by one of their own generals. As such they always have at minimum 3 separate legions lead by generals from different cities. The primary Garrisons for the forces are as follows: The Legion of the Eagle is based out of San'Arad under General Ander Forel and defends the southeast region - primarily the border with Thane and the Western edge of The Deepwood, The Legion of the Fox is commanded by General Erwin Lo’mmel and has its headquarters in Erador. The Fox Legion defends the central compact region especially along the Blightverge Barrier and the border with the Veru Highlands. The Legion of the Bear under general Vladimir Kútz consists of a smaller contingent of ground forces and the region’s navy based in Port Ayara. This area has seen the least threat due to the distance to The Blightlands or Thane, the general lack of outward militarism of Elves, and the isolationism of the Dwarves .   While the defense of the Compact Region against outside invasion generally falls under the purview of the Three Legions, Law enforcement is handled independently in each city. In the bigger city-states, this is handled by a professional city watch, while in the smaller states volunteers or friends of the leader will often maintain law and order by forming a militia on an as-needed basis. For more specialized peacekeeping and security work, most of the cities have a local Adventuruer's Guild chapter and/or an established contract with The Brotherhood of Slayers. It is not permitted to perform these kinds of work unless you are licensed by the local government. The primary way to get this license is to be a member of an Adventuruer's Guild chapter - they will get you a license city by city (even in cities with no chapter though this may take longer). The alternative is to join The Brotherhood of Slayers - they are granted licenses by the Sunhold Council directly and so have authorization to engage in their work throughout the region. The Adventuruer's Guild Has Chapters in San'Arad, Erador, Villane, and Calimshan. A Brotherhood of Slayers hall can be found in Erador, San'Arad, Westmarch Keep, Rochdale, and Port Ayara. Both organizations can be contacted for any legal job including monster hunting, caravan escort and wilderness expeditions.

Foreign Relations

The Sunhold Compact was enacted to halt Thaninsh aggression. There has been peace now for quite some time, but they continue to keep a wary eye to the south. The relations with Kordaldrum and The Vale of Elendil are positive albeit standoffish.

Agriculture & Industry

The Sunhold region is characterized by scattered forests (thicker and deeper to the east) and ample fertile lands in the plains and rolling hills in and around the Erador Plains. The Mountains to the south act as a weather barrier allowing the region to enjoy ample rainfall and a good growing season. These mountains also form a barrier that insulates the compact from The Blightlands to a degree. The Deepwood to the east acts as a barrier to territorial expansion. While The Deepwood acts as a source of Lumber, it is a dangerous place which has tempered the growth of the Forestry industry based in Taris. Mining of ores and precious stones is accomplished in the foothills of the Blightverge Barrier near Westmarch Keep and Cragmaw Pass. While a dangerous region, due to its proximity to The Blightlands the rewards to be found under the hills have tempted many enterprising individuals to test their luck in the hopes of striking it rich.

Trade & Transport

The Primary Trade route through the Confederacy is The Spineroad. This North-South road provides direct access to 5 of the Sunhold city-states and spurs off this road provide access to the other 6. The Spineroad it the largest infrastructure project in all of Areldia, and two-thirds of it run through Sunhold. Additionally, the two forks of the Sunhold River provide a cheap means of getting goods northward. The White River Can get goods from Cragmaw Pass to San'Arad and on up to Port Ayara. The Erador Channel flows down from The Veru Step to Erador and then on to the main river. Return trips utilize The Spineroad.

Our Independence is our Spirit, our unity is our strength

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Sunhold, Compact Region, The Confederacy
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Major Exports
Meat and Produce
The Kingdom of Thane
Building Waterials (wood and thatch)
Major Imports
Dwarven crafted arms and armor
Dwarven stonework and sculptures
Gems and precious metals
The Vale of Elendil
Art items and woodcraft
Elven arms (such as the highly prized Elven Longbow)
Tonics and poitions concocted by mystics of The Vale
The Kingdom of Thane
Standard Weapons
Standard Armor
Machinery from Illium
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Notable Members

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