Session 3: No Diamond, No Deal Report

General Summary

After a short rest near Ide Kayo's grave, the party heard the sound of a dog barreling towards them from the forest. The dog chased Seto up a tree before his master, Jerry the Mousefolk samurai-in-training, arrived and scolded the dog for running off. Apparently he had suffered at the hands of a tabaxi clan but soon realized that Seto was not one of them. Instead he told them of the training fields surrounding Nishisawa that he was on his way to visit.    The party explained their situation, that they had the shogun's daughter, a fish-man and a devilish store-keep waiting for them and that the item they had been sent to retrieve was nowhere to be found as it had supposedly been stolen by 'monkeys'. Jerry had heard rumors about a cursed monkey temple deeper into the jungle and before long they had discovered ape-like tracks nearby.   The tracks led into the trees, yet with Aien's strange tracking techniques they managed to follow the trail to a clearing containing a small pond where they spent the night. From the treetops, Aien spotted what looked like an overgrown temple in the distance which he believed to be the monkey temple Jerry had mentioned.   As morning broke, Astrea noticed a large, six-limbed, white furred ape appear and make it's way to the pond for a drink. It seemed the party had made their camp alongside a watering hole. Astrea attempted to wake Seto and the others before, silently, the party watched on as another two gorillion approached the waterside.   With a masterfully placed arrow loosed from the cover of the treetops, Aien managed to turn two of the creatures against each other, causing them to rush back into a forest fighting and screaming. The other, seeming less concerned, noticed Rei as she tried to sneak over to Astrea.   Proving it's aggression, the beast attacked. Having not noticed anyone other than Rei, the attack was quickly interrupted by a barrage of attacks from the party as they cornered him against the pond. Before the creature could call for help, Rufus the dog leapt onto the rock, allowing his rider, Jerry, to dismember the creature in a flashy display of skill.   Following the battle, the party readied themselves and followed the trail left by the other two gorillion back to their lair. The Temple of The Monkey King.

Character(s) interacted with

Met Jerry and Rufus who joined the party.
Kiga Shogunate
Level 9 Tabaxi Monk - Way of the Kensei
/ 66 HP
Jerry Abershaw
Astraea Karasu
Chaotic Neutral Thylean Satyr (Astraea) (Anhropologist)
Bard 13
Warlock 6
122 / 122 HP
0 / HP
Player Journals
A dog, mouse and some monkey's by Astraea Karasu
The start of a journey by Jerry Abershaw
Report Date
11 Sep 2020
Primary Location