Session 4: Temple of the Monkey King Report

General Summary

Upon arrival at the Monkey King's Temple, the overgrown ruins of the long-forgotten Red Lotus clan monastery, the party stood in awe of the massive statues guarding the entrance before them. Wary of the many monkeys sitting atop their shoulders and lining the rooftops of the temple.   A bridge made of vines seemed the only path forward and in an effort to avoid detection by the monkeys, Aien attempted to cross via the underside of the bridge. Unfortunately, the vines were not as sturdy as they looked and after a loud snapping sound, Aien found himself dangling from the bridge.    Astrea and Seto quickly sprang into action, grabbing a hold of the vine and pulling Aien back onto the bridge. Before they had time to recover, the eyes of the ancient statues began to glow as a drone of voices rumbled from within.   "Beware the dark masters, kami of the darkened hills and muddied waters. Death comes to those who enter, as it came to those before."   With their warning issued, the statues returned to their dormant state as the party made their way forwards. Successfully managing to avoid the wrath of the monkeys for the time being, the party began searching the buildings.   What they found were overgrown ruins containing the remains of long-dead monks and samurai trapped within the vines that had overtaken this place. Along with these bodies were the first signs of treasure stolen by the monkeys and stashed away in what appeared to be their home.   Aien and Jerry checked the main building where Aien found a large locked door that lead to the main pagoda beyond, but as Jerry followed in behind him he heard a crashing sound from above.   Jerry looked up just in time to see the Girillon from before still fighting and now falling through the rafters towards him. Astrea and Seto arrived just as the pair crashed to the ground, enveloping Jerry in the resulting dust cloud.   Battle ensued and after a few screams from a soon-to-be-slain Girillon the party soon found themselves battling a horde of apes, baboons and evil ape-like demons.    After a valiant fight, our heroes emerged victorious and proceeded to gather all the treasure they had found so far. Once this was done, Jerry slipped through a small hole in the door and began trying to cut through the old wooden beam locking it shut.   After a few cuts from Jerry, Astrea grew impatient and charged the door, bursting it open and showering Jerry in pieces of splintered wood. The party was now successfully able to make their way to the main 4 storey pagoda that rose before them.   Inside they discovered a horde of treasure the likes of which none of them had ever seen, guarded by undead Girillon and more evil spirits. Aien scouted the building before the party moved inside and before long they found themselves looting and slashing their way towards the rooftop, floor by floor.   During a particularly heated part of the battle, Seto found himself surrounded on all sides as he fought one of the six-armed beasts. In an effort to end the fight with a bang, Aien tossed a bead from his newly found necklace into the fray.   The resulting fireball caused the temple (made of wood and paper) to catch fire. Though the battle seemed nearly won, an evil spirit managed to land a blow to the back of Seto's head and knock him unconscious. Astrea was however able to wake him before seeing to the fire with her magical alchemist's jug as the others finished the fight.   Heading to the top floor and finding nothing but treasure, the party decided to take a short rest and nurse their wounds, but Aien was intent on finding the diamond they had already come for and so headed onto the roof.   There he found the Demon Monkey King, examining the diamond, peering at it in the fading light of the suns. The beast did not seem to care that his minions had been destroyed and rather seemed curious as to why Aien had come. When pushed to hand over the diamond, the Monkey King waved a hand in the air and trapped Aien to the roof with vines seemingly under his control.   Realising the danger he was in, Aien managed to slip free of the vines and retreat to the lower floor, frantically warning the others that something was chasing him.    The monkey king then descended close behind, but Seto managed to land a blow using a technique taught to him by his late father and something he had only just seemed to master for the first time. With it, he stunned the creature before Aien attempted to kick him off of the pagoda.   Their efforts proved fruitless, however, as Aien's kick passed straight through the figure in front of him, causing the demon to disappear in a cloud of smoke before three more mirror image clones appeared and surrounded them.   Another battle ensued with all warriors fighting bravely and eventually overcoming the Monkey King with their newfound abilities, despite a few close calls during the fight.    With the Demon Monkey King defeated and Ide Kayo's diamond retrieved, the party took a well-deserved rest atop the pagoda.   Nearby, the orange glow from a fire illuminated part of the forest as a plume of smoke began billowing into the air...

Rewards Granted

2300 cp, 400 sp, 100 gp, 2 x Azurite (10 gp), Lapis lazuli (10 gp), Moss agate (10 gp), Obsidian (10 gp), Rhodochrosite (10 gp), Spell Scroll (Chromatic Orb) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll (Color Spray) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll (See Invisibility) (uncommon), Potion of Climbing (common, dmg 187), 2 x Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187), Wakazashi of Speed and a +1 Kabuto (found broken but repaired by Astrea) 2100 cp, 1000 sp, 60 gp, 2 x Carnelian (50 gp), 2 x Chrysoprase (50 gp), Jasper (50 gp), Moonstone (50 gp), Onyx (50 gp), Quartz (50 gp),2 x Zircon (50 gp), Spell Scroll (Dancing Lights) (common, dmg 200), Potion of Climbing (common, dmg 187), Bag of holding x2, 1x Grappling Hook. 1800 cp, 1100 sp, 100 gp, 2 x Banded agate (10 gp), 2 x Hematite (10 gp), 2 x Rhodochrosite (10 gp), 2 x Tiger eye (10 gp), Turquoise (10 gp), The Astral Grimoire of Desosus: (This set of scrolls is contained in a brass coffer set with jade. Whenever it is opened, any other magic items worn by the reader cease functioning. This spellbook contains the spells Chain Lightning, Eyebite, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Programmed Illusion, Sunbeam, and True Seeing. These are written in the form of songs for use by a bard with the sufficient spellcasting ability.), The Thrainan Shards: (This libram is written in black wax and bound in leather. A seemingly unrelated list of materials has been added near the front of the tome. An individual who reads this tome, which requires 32 hours over a minimum of 4 days, gains a +1 bonus to Initiative checks.), Atud's Libram of the Lower Planes: This folio of parchments is contained in a copper coffer. The Book of Gili: This eldritch compendium is written in illuminated script and bound in leather. It is written in an archaic form of Giant. Demon Armor (very rare, dmg 165),2200 cp, 1000 sp, 80 gp, Bolt of Fine Cloth (25 gp), Small Vial of Perfume (25 gp), Silver Cloth Talisman (25 gp), Leather Bracers (25 gp), Silver Cloth Choker (25 gp), Leather Coinpurse (25 gp), Ornate Vase (250gp), Bag of Tricks (tan) (uncommon, dmg 154), Sword of Vengeance (longsword katana) (uncommon, dmg 206) 1500 cp, 10000 sp, 4600 gp, 270 pp, Small Bag of Incense (25 gp), Leather Shoes (25 gp), Painted Glass Rod (25 gp), Potion of Animal Friendship (uncommon, dmg 187), Potion of Growth (uncommon, dmg 187), Potion of Water Breathing (uncommon, dmg 188) Amber (100 gp), 2 x Amethyst (100 gp), 2 x Chrysoberyl (100 gp), Coral (100 gp), 3 x Garnet (100 gp), Jade (100 gp), 3 x Pearl (100 gp) 1x Strange unidentified diamond (Ide Kayo's Diamond)

Missions/Quests Completed

Diamond found!
Kiga Shogunate
Level 9 Tabaxi Monk - Way of the Kensei
/ 66 HP
Jerry Abershaw
Astraea Karasu
Chaotic Neutral Thylean Satyr (Astraea) (Anhropologist)
Bard 13
Warlock 6
122 / 122 HP
0 / HP
Player Journals
The Monkey King in the Red Lotus Pagoda by Astraea Karasu
Report Date
16 Sep 2020
Primary Location