Session 7: The Nishisawashank Redemption aka Get the Gaijin Report

General Summary

After being taken captive by the samurai now guarding Lady Sumehime, our heroes were stripped of their belongings and restrained using a technique called hojojutsu and forced to carry a heavy wooden log. Still badly hurt after their previous encounter, the party did as they were told and worked together to lift the log before carrying it all the way to Nishisawa, led by their samurai captors.   Upon arrival in Nishisawa, our heroes were taken to the local prison where they were to spend the night. Once in their cells and free of their restraints, most of the party took the opportunity to get some much needed rest. Aien, however, had other plans.   While he stared down the guards outside, studying their patrol patterns and waiting for the right moment to strike, Aien heard a voice from the cell next to his. A dwarf, looking to make his escape, offered to help his new neighbor by slipping a shiv through an opening in the wall.   After waiting patiently and picking his moment, Aien displayed his masterful lockpicking skills, freeing himself from his cell. The keys to the other cells were almost within reach and the guards on duty were starting to doze off. He crept closer.   Reaching up to take the keys whilst keeping a careful eye on the samurai then caused Aien to fumble the keys, dropping them to the floor with a loud clattering sound. In a flash, the samurai whipped his head around to see what had happened, only to see the keys now lying on the floor.   Aien had managed to evade detection. Just.   After another tense attempt to pick the lock of Jerry's cell, Aien retrieved the keys and began releasing his friends, as well as the dwarf. Upon arrival in Seto's cell, however, the monk told him that he had no intention of leaving. He understood the trouble they had gotten themselves into and opted to stay and face the music.   This sentiment seemed to be echoed by Astrea, though her intentions may not have been quite as pure. As evidenced by the strange runes she had been drawing all over her cell.   Jerry was eager to get out of there and so, while still trapped within his own armour, Jerry followed Aien towards the exit. The two quickly realised that he was not going to do them any favours with the amount of noise emanating from his armour, therefore deciding to bundle Jerry up like baby yoda to be carried by Aien.   When the guards on duty were called away for something urgent, the pair saw their chance. Rushing to the top of the stairs, to the only way in or out of the prison, the duo discovered a gathering just outside. The prison guards were all gawking over a new prison wagon being delivered by a small black kobold covered in marks befitting a blacksmith.   Noting their lack of options, the pair decided to head back inside and see what the samurai had in store for them instead. Aien took this chance to mess with the guards once more, choosing a different cell to hide in and causing a panicked confusion amongst the guards when they returned to escort the prisoners to their transport. Astrea managing to convince them that it was a dwarf that was with them and not an elf.   This led them to drag the dwarf who had previously been caught trying to escape out with the others, despite his bloodied state after the beating he recieved. Lady Sumehime protested that the dwarf was not involved and so the guards returned to the prison to find Aien.   When they eventually did, Aien dropped the keys, a shiv and his lockpicks into the guard's hands saying, "You should probably hide these better." Effectively breaking the man's confidence and causing him to question all of his life choices up until that point.   Following this, our heroes were tied up once more and escorted to Toto. The home of Daichi Tatsuo. Upon arrival, Lady Sumehime was invited to sit alongside the daimyo as the ape samurai explained the situation, apologizing to the daimyo for allowing his son to be killed. Daichi Tatsuo, however, did not seem to care too much about his son, rather seeming disappointed at his failure and at the lack of honour shown by the ape and dragon.   For this, the ape did as tradition dictated, committing seppuku in front of the party, the final strike being delivered by Daichi Tatsuo himself.   Slightly shocked at what they had just witnessed, the party stepped forwards and introduced themselves. As they began to try and make their case, Lady Sumehime spoke up and decided to show them mercy, pleading with Daichi to find his compassionate side.    This he was more than willing to do for her, and so after discussing various things with the heroes and determining that they could be of some use, he offered them a deal.   If they were able to prove their loyalty to Kitsumi and Daichi then they would be entered into the tournament in Nishisawa where they could complete their gempuku ceremony and become fully fledged samurai. Altough, it seemed like at least one of them had ulterior motives.   With all said and done, the party was given a new set of clothes, told that their belongings would be returned to them when they proved they could be trusted and sent to speak with a magistrate tasked with keeping an eye on them and giving them a tour of the city.   The tour ended when the group reached a tattoo parlour where General Mak explained they would be given tattoos to mark them as the ones who killed the son of the Blue Dragon by some of the tattooed monks the region is famous for.
Kiga Shogunate
Level 9 Tabaxi Monk - Way of the Kensei
/ 66 HP
Jerry Abershaw
Astraea Karasu
Chaotic Neutral Thylean Satyr (Astraea) (Anhropologist)
Bard 13
Warlock 6
122 / 122 HP
0 / HP
Player Journals
Meeting the Daimyo by Astraea Karasu
Report Date
04 Oct 2020
Primary Location