Session 9: First Impressions Report

General Summary

As a flickering torch tumbled from the guard's hand and onto the floor, the party watched, stunned as what Astrea thought to be a spice trader was now tearing out this guard's throat with his teeth.   With a swift kick to the head, Seto managed to separate the zombie from the guard. With that the party sprung into action, fighting back the undead attacker while Astrea magically patched the guard's wounds and went searching for a weapon in the blacksmith's shop.   There she found a flute-knife whose sheath could be used to channel her magic through song. Meanwhile, hidden inside the shinobi school courtyard, Aien made his way to the door to see what commotion his allies were causing.   In the street, the battle raged on. Each time they thought they had killed the walking corpse for good, it twitched back to life and lunged at them again. This continued until a final, powerful blow was struck, knocking the creature unconscious as Seto attempted to restrain it with rope found nearby.   With the threat secured, the party heard someone approaching. General Mak was busy drawing his sword as he closed in on the unfortunate scene before him. Thankfully, Astrea had been the one to notify him that something was happening, and after a brief explanation of what had happened, he sheathed his sword once more.   "One of Shi's puppets must have gotten loose again. I will investigate this in the morning. As for you, I suggest you make your way to your quarters and get some rest. Tomorrow's training will begin early, and you don't want to be late. We'll also need to increase the watch to make sure no more of these things are wandering about. I expect all four of you to report for guard duty tomorrow at sundown. You will patrol the walls and ensure this doesn't happen again. Understood?"   After answering a few questions from the party, General Mak helped the guard to his feet and led him towards the infirmary. The party decided that this day had lasted long enough and followed Rei to their bed chambers to get some much-needed rest.   The following morning the castle was bustling with people heading to their respective jobs and training. The party gathered what little belongings they had and made their way towards a square in town which was supposed to be holding a grading tournament that morning.   Aien, who had spent the night in the shinobi school and been granted access to the first of the shinobi school's techniques, met the others at the event just in time to register for one on one duels just as the others were all doing.   Before long, their names were called and one by one, each of our heroes took the stage and laid waste to their enemies. Each victory more defiant than the last. Despite these battles being fought with only training weapons, at least two serious and near-fatal injuries were dealt by our heroes during their battles, proving that they are no mere children who have come to train. These are warriors, and their potential did not go unnoticed.   After the duels were complete, the party had a chance to meet the masters of each school and introduce themselves before heading into the city to run some errands before their training began later that day.   Astrea headed for the library as Jerry headed for the blacksmith, everyone with things to do, people to see. What will come of it we have yet to see, but as the day draws on our heroes get the unshakable sense that something in Toto is not quite right...
Kiga Shogunate
Level 9 Tabaxi Monk - Way of the Kensei
/ 66 HP
Jerry Abershaw
Astraea Karasu
Chaotic Neutral Thylean Satyr (Astraea) (Anhropologist)
Bard 13
Warlock 6
122 / 122 HP
0 / HP
Player Journals
The Sister by Astraea Karasu
Report Date
27 Oct 2020
Primary Location