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"The Ancients have not forgotten us, my kin. It may seem that we have lost everything, but in the light, we always have each other. We must press on. For however long we now can." - Archon Magnus   The Archon are enormously powerful Prometh , that often were either thrust into or stepped up to lead large communities of Prometh , both before and after the Cataclysm. Often being seen as wise and formidable, Archons often answered directly to an Ancient during the First Age, and there are those that still serve even into the Third Age.   After the Prometh lost their reincarnation ability after the Cataclysm, scholars believe many Archon were responsible for the effort to regain this lost property, spearheading the many artifacts and research facilities that are now hidden within Arkos.   The powerful warriors that fought to protect the Mortal Realm during the Second Age known as the Triad were also Lightsworn Archons; paragons of the Lightsworn cause against evil.   Notable Archons:  Archon Magnus, embodying Justice  
  • Archon Uriel, embodying Retribution
  • Archon Geulah, embodying Redemption
  • Archon Janus, embodying Valor
  • Archon Auriel, embodying Hope
  • Archone Raphael, embodying Wisdom

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