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Glancing at the depiction, she felt that she was starring into a scattered, broken mirror. And every single distorted reflection was screaming.   The Shattered are a variant of Prometh  that the vast majority of the other Prometh regard with a equal mixture of horror and pity. Born from the chaotic energies of The Cataclysm, many Prometh who tried to enact their reincarnation process were instead twisted into monstrous abominations; living fonts of the corruptive power the Fallen Ancients exuded. Steeped in madness and dark power, these poor Prometh now exist only to consume magic and life to further fuel their deranged existence.   Existing as a "living" reminder of the horrors of magic and power gone awry, Shattered are often regarded as some of the most dangerous and terrifying monsters on Arkos, and in all the Realms.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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