Session 1: First steps into a mistake Report

General Summary

The party gathers in the Capital of Hercules to take part of the guild entrance exam. Making their way to the main guild hall they wait for their turn to take the test. Pine feels a strange feeling from the twilight that gives them a sense of unease as they look to the sky and the moons. Silvyr also feels a tension on the threads of fate but neither know what is causing this anomaly.
As they enter the guild they are introduced by a massive tank of a man named Ignis Thornstrong, descendent of the Hercules line. And his right hand man, Michael Drewerin. A bowman with a bow larger than he is tall. They party is split up to take their exam. Each player entered a dark void of a room that changes to a trial that would best define themselves and prove that they can withstand the hardship needed to at least begin their journeys.
Pine find themselves in a grove and a starry night sky. As they examine the sky the stars fall from above and become fireflies and fireflies raise from the grass and become stars, changing the star map as the fireflies settle in the sky. By popping the fireflies, Pine tries to match the night sky as closely as possible to the real night sky above.
Feyrith finds himself in a magic lab of some kind with a massive runescript circle that seems to have been written out wrongly and is cause the script to glitch like a scratch on the record. Using the books in the room he is able to masterfully find the incorrect scripts and finished the planar scrying spell.
Silvyr finds themselves in a simple room with a desk and a matching copy of their books of prophecy. Sitting down as they write their story of an old high elf king, their attention is grabbed by one of their golden threads that they can see. Leading to a door out of the room was a tread pulled so tight that the thread was razor sharp. Deciding that the only thing to do right now is to finish the test and move on to where this thread was being pulled by.
All of the party passes their exams and move on into a massive stadium with others that have passed their trials. As they all stand in the stadium waiting for others to finish their trial as the moons begin to encroach on the sun. As the sun almost sets the final moon, the moon of glass, rockets across the sky as it joins the other three in front of the sun causing a true solar eclipse. The cinder moon, once having been collapsing under it's own internal burning, erupts into a ball of fire. Becoming a small second sun in the sky. The heat from this moon melts the moon of ice, covering it in an endless ocean. As the gravity of the third moon pulls the water from the moon of ice, plant life grows in abundance have been hundreds of centuries since a drop of water touched it's surface. And the final moon of glass magnifies this spectacle to all those who could have seen it.
None of the party makes their throw over this overwhelming dark sinking feeling as their shadows become tar and their bodies sink up to their knees immobilizing everyone in the arena and the stands. After a stunned moment of silence a shadowed cloaked figure throws the body of the guild master off of the stage onto the floor below. He walks through the air to the ground with some of the staff and the new guild members. He approaches one of the immobilized staff and reaches a incorporeal hand into the stomach of the man and seeming rips out a small but growing sapling. The man drops dead as a sound of disgust escapes the lips of the shadowed figure as he snaps it over his knee. He grabs a few more seeds of legendhood before the eclipse ends and the hooded figure disappears into his own shadow. Freeing everyone remaining from their bonds. After a moment of chaos as everyone runs to check to see if those attacked where still alive and if Ignis could be revived. Michael steps out with a broken arm and covered in cuts and bruises as he brings the guild back together. After the horrors of the past few moments he ends the ceremony and tells everyone to return home and to come back tomorrow to receive their earrings.
Everyone returns the next day and are split into their assigned starting teams that the guild provided that would best balance out everyone. Michael tells them that one of the party members that was supposed to join them had lost their life in the attack yesterday and that a senior that had a team no longer would be joining them. A massive St. Bernard Dogfolke in full plate, introduces himself as Ballad. He brings the party to a near by table as Pine tells the group that he feels a calling to return to the Enchanted Forest. But the Kingdom of Woodstock is known to be hostile to any of those who would want to enter the forest. But Ballad explains that as long as they have a job and a positive rep that by laws of the guild they can not bar the group from entering. But the Kingdom of Woodstock is a long travel away and in order to make it there it would be best to do jobs along the way. He goes to the board and comes back with several jobs, all with their own reasons for being taken but the party all agrees to take up the escort job to protect a wizard looking for rare components.

Rewards Granted

500 gp
Earring of the Legends Guild

Missions/Quests Completed

Pass the guilds exam

Character(s) interacted with

Ignis Thornstrong (Old Guild Leader)
Michael Drewerin(New Guild Leader)
Feyrith's Father and Mother
Mysterious hooded Figure
Ballad (New Party Member)
Legends Genesis
Silvyr Thromifeth
Feyrith Austrom
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
14 Oct 2021
Primary Location


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