Feyrith Austrom Character in Arus | World Anvil

Feyrith Austrom

Feyrith Austrom

Mary and Taldaer met when mom was foraging far into the woods near the roads and stumbled upon dad after he just finished killing the Duke of her village who was a major dick face. She thanks him and swears to keep his identity to herself in thanks for this act. Finding her beautiful he leaves her on her way but makes an effort to visit every time he's on the surface. Then he leaves the drop empire in secret faking his death, taking the family grimoure and meeting with mother to run off to the human capital to be free.   Soon after the pair took residence and found jobs being bakers while their father still performed assassinations for hire when things got tough as well as sold his more coveted spells to those in the dark market and helped with trade of other items. They then had their first and only child by accident being Feyrith. Knowing this was a danger but not wanting to lose their child they raised him but kept him and warned him of meeting another drow. He tended to keep to himself and to the local libraries stacks of books that he found himself delving into whenever he has time to spare. As Feyrith grew he realized that his natural magic was limited and begged his family to teach him or take him somewhere for him to learn.   Wanting to keep him safe his father taught him the safer common spells he knew, slowly teaching Feyrith to grow his power. But his hunger for knowledge could not be kept at a sluggish pace so Feyrith came up with a plan. Late at night while his father was away from the home Feyrith sneaked into his fathers store room and using detect magic and passing slight wards, managed to grab a few spells that he then spent the night copying into his book. Unaware to him this was the moment a small spark was made and his legend seed soon would take root.   While his father was then not attending his grimoire he would quickly use an incantation to flip through and quickly trace down the spell elements as he could until he soon learned all his fathers cantrips. This caused him to quickly grow in power as his hunger also grew making him sloppy at times, him often tracing elements onto his arm when a book wasn’t available. However his father quickly caught on and scolded the young Feyrith, taking his sons book before Feyrith caused his familiar owl to pop out and snag hold of his book back from his father.   Unaware to his father Feyrith snagged ahold of the Find Familiar spell and cast it in private as the flame in the brazier roared to life and the arcane runes around the brazier soon took from and brought forth the spirit taking a owl form with eyes that glowed a light blue and wisps of energy flowed off its form. Now it gave Feyrith the upper hand as he faced his father outside their family home with spell book in hand and a smile on Feyrith’s face. He gloats for a moment to his father showing this is a perfect example of why he needs to attend an academy, somewhere he can grow and learn more than home spells at father’s pace. His father soon drew a blade as they both readied to fight before his mother stepped between them.   She calls for the boys to stopped the fighting and for Feyrith to go to his room for the moment and to grab dinner. Feyrith wanted to object but he simply nodded and did as instructed as the mother stepped up to her love and discussed with him the future of their child. After some words were exchanged they soon called down Feyrith and told him that they will agree to have him attend the local wizard academy but will have to follow the house rules and discuss with them his education, as well as weekly trainings with his father as before. Feyrith happily agrees and apologies to his father for his outburst but summons the familiar again to show them what he’s learned.   A few years pass and Feyrith managed to start his learning at the local academy where he was a part of a small class with wizards of various schools and practices were together. After a few months of classes they had a class duel. In Feyrith’s fight he went against a wizard of evocation where in the heat of the duel Feyrith went to cast magic missile but the rune glitched from its usual light blue hue to a jolting yellow as the blots of force turned to lightning and launched at the young man winning him the duel but confusing and confounding some who haven’t seen anything like it. The professors eyebrows raised as they looked to Feyrith and understood the path he would take as Feyrith’s book glowed bright with runes floating about. Calling in his parents they informed them of the discovery that Feyrith had taken the Scribe arcane tradition, wizards that devote their lives and beings to magic, the weave and all writings. They also informed them that his legend seed has awoken as well and helped him with his learning.   Concerned they asked what could be done to keep him most safe and the professors advised letting him join a Legend organization to help him hone and learn this power as well as gain their resources. Through some discussion and agreement Feyrith was allowed this since he was of age to make his own choices as well was far past their ability to keep from learning. So they spent the time getting him prepared and ready to set out and head to the nearest Legend organization to join try outs, his father giving him two spells he found useful but one could be seen as a bit troubling, Master Focus and Suffer. Packing his belongings and spells books Feyrith hugged his father and mother before turning to the carriage behind him and stepping on heading toward what would be the next step in his study.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Skinny but has a bit of pudge. No muscle mass due to mainly keeping to books and spellwork.

Body Features

Light sparkling of white freckles

Facial Features

Light sparkling over the bridge of Feyrith's nose of white freckles.

Identifying Characteristics

Always some sort of partially written note or arcane work on his arms when he doesn't have the time to grab paper. Also has his small reading glasses also on a chain.

Physical quirks

Tends to doodle and sketch when trying to learn or when thinking of a solution. Scratches his hair when trying to think on the spot or go through plans

Special abilities

Has the ability to alter spells to change their damage typing to others he knows allowing for open posibility. He can focus on multiple spells allowing him to concentrate on 2 spells at a time, a feet not most can achieve.

Apparel & Accessories

Common wizard robes with dark blue on the outside and a tan interior and seem to be light and airy allowing him to move as they free up his feet.

Specialized Equipment

Understanding and reading documents and others works especially spell crafting and the understanding of spellwork.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Feyrith mainly spent his life at home with his mother and father helping in the bakery and learning under his fathers teachings and trainings. In his spare time he could be found at the local libraries reading their endless stacks of knowledge, history and lore.

Gender Identity

Cis Male




Became an apprentice of his father who was himself an accomplished magician. Attended the local wizard academy until he was then signed into the Legends Guild


Helping mother and father in the bakery

Accomplishments & Achievements

Learned most of his spells and cantrips on his own and can concentrate on multiple spells at once along with changing damage typing of spells, showing he can alter spell work differently to others.

Failures & Embarrassments

Stole spells from his father when getting annoyed at the slow teaching pace Almost blew himself up a few times while learning chormatic orb and its altering elemental abilites. Had some difficulty at first learning how to work with his familiar as it often would get annoyed with him

Mental Trauma

Almost getting into a wizard fight with his father over his education.

Intellectual Characteristics

Can multitask on many different things and learns things rather quickly.

Morality & Philosophy

Knowledge is his main goal and with do most things if not more to get it. Will use this power to help others but mainly in an effort to preserve and exapand on whats learned.


Has the hidden urge to kill.

Personality Characteristics


The attainment and preservation of knowledge and arcane arts as well as its expansion.

Feyrith is a 5'11" half-elf drow wearing wizard robes with chains that came down attached to his 2 spellbook that dangle on his waist. On his backpack you'll find scrolls and documents and along with his traveling gear.

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Light Blue
Silver White cut short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue
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Known Languages


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