Session 2: Not the Bees!!!!!!!!!! Report Report in Arus | World Anvil

Session 2: Not the Bees!!!!!!!!!! Report

General Summary

The party leaves the guild to go shopping for anything they need for their journey. Stumbling through the market square and checked in with the different shops for some simple magic items and accessories. Sylver taking a certain interest in a goblin merchant selling stolen clothing. Before making their way out of Hercules the party stops at Feyrith's house as he gets himself ready for departure. Give Sylver, Pine, and Ballad a small taste of Feyrith's home life. Embarrassed and ready to leave Feyrith ushers the party quickly out of his parents house and the journey begins. Ballad driving the cart out of Hercules and through the surrounding farm lands.
The travels goes well as the group runs into no trouble. Until they reached the tree line leading into the nearby forest. In which the noise from the cart causes swarms of bees to fly out of the trees, and attack the party. At first it seems to be going well but as the fight drags, on the bees chip away at the parties health. Especially Ballad as his big sword and bulky armor make it hard for him to hit the small flying needles. Swollen, stung, and tired the party settles down for the night to make camp and lick their wounds as session comes to an end.

Rewards Granted

Bee stings

Character(s) interacted with

Hilda Hilda: A traveling goblin shopkeeper that sells stolen clothing.
Feyrith's Parents: A drow and human couple that share a butchery and cafe/bakery.
Legends Genesis
Silvyr Thromifeth
Feyrith Austrom
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
29 Nov 2021
Primary Location
Related Characters


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