Session 3: Time to Work! Report Report in Arus | World Anvil

Session 3: Time to Work! Report

General Summary

The party sets up camp and gets ready for the night as Ballad gets dinner ready. Silvyr makes his way over and offers the Dogfolke his help. The two chat a bit as the working. Silvyr cutting veg as Ballad makes the broth and dresses the meat. Working at the table Feyrith tries to scribe two spells into his spell book. One of them fails and Feyrith loses Alarm but learned Identify in his studies. Feyrith sees a pair of eye during their watch. Grabbing Silvyr's attention, he notices two red strands leading away from him. But after a minute they disappear. The group packs up and continues their way on their journey.
A few days of travel passes but no other sign of the eyes. Finally clearing the treeline the party rides up a natural ramp leading up to the Village of Blackthorn. The party enters the village and makes their way to the guardhouse as they meet the captain of the guard and the battlemaster of the village, Erak Ironcloak. He gives the party directions to the inn and the party leaves. Ballad splits from the party to put the cart and horse into a stable and secure their belongings. And Silvyr breaks off to walk down a set of stairs to the maze of tunnels below the village.
Feyrith and Pine make their way into the inn but do not find the gnome in here. So they go to walk the streets of the small village hoping to catch him out and about. After walking for a bit they go to make their way back to the inn to meet up with everyone so that they can find the gnome. Meanwhile Silvyr walks the tunnels below and coming up from someones basement. Whose? Why their hire no less. A wise man said that first impressions matter. It's a shame that wise man never got the chance to speak to Silvyr. Guessing that the new hires are here, in a small rude manner, he leads Silvyr to the inn and the rest of the party.
Sitting down with the group he introduces himself as Durlin and he was in the need of some rare materials for some strong potions. But they all have dangers surrounding them, which is why he can't do this alone. The three ingrediants that he needs are Harvest Moon Berries. Which are gaurded usually by wandering bears as they horde them aggressively. Another ingrediant being Ambrosia Honey which is made by Scarlet Hornets whose sting is like having molten metal in your veins. The party flinches away in pain at the idea of such a monster. And finally Luminescent Moss that is known to grow inside a giant badger's dwelling.
The party gathers their weapons from the cart and makes their way east to where the Harvest Moon Berries grow. As the gnome said bears patroled the area and there would be no way to gather the berries without catching the bears attention. Feyrith begins the battle by launching a scorching ray but instead of fire damage, Feyrith changed the spell and released a necrotic blast. Starting the battle with a devestating attack. The party manages to hold off a wave or two of bears while Durlin gathers berries. With the sun beginning to set the party makes their way out of there and back towards the village and that is where the session ended.

Character(s) interacted with

Durlin the Gnome Wizard
Erak Ironcloak, Battlemaster and Captain of the Guard
Legends Genesis
Silvyr Thromifeth
Feyrith Austrom
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
29 Nov 2021
Related Characters


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