Session 4: Picking Up Strays and Moss Report

General Summary

To begin this session we had to rewind the clock a few days. Back to the day of the eclipse. Where we find a young man walking the streets. Caerso, a handsome tanned human with fey like charm. Having taken his exam earlier in the day and passing it he was walking on cloud nine. Looking for a way to pass the time he makes his way to the shopping district to earn some spare coin. His show not really catching his expected audience but parents were appreciative to be able shop without dragging a child. Making 4 gold in the collective tips. As the day continues the moons encroach on the sun and the true solar eclipse happens. Caerso feels his connection to his seed severed and his contract with the Lady of Roses gone. Screams of nearby Fey that lost their connection to their home plane ring out at a sound that only he seems to notices. Echoing and bouncing in his head till the moons, having now changed, continue on their path across the sky. Immediately the scream stops and the connections are restored. The Lady of Roses' voice enters Caerso's head as her connection reestablishes itself. Weak and tired she has enough strength to check if he is still alive before the connection fades. Trying to find answers he makes his way back to the guild. Finding it closed for the day, due to an incident. Being told to return tomorrow he is turned away.
  Returning the next day, he is approached by one of the members of the guild as they hand him a slip of paper with three other names and their race on them. Told that these are the guild recommended parties, Caerso enters the guild to find his other team members. With a good perception roll he finds the others. A Wizard Dwarf with rings hanging from his staff, Bob, a gnome storing vials of glowing liquids working on his artificer magic, Billy, and a halfling rogue working away on sharpening his daggers, Joe. It didn't take Caerso long to figure out that this arrangement wasn't going to work. Especially since this dwarf that seems to have taken the mantle of leader was looking to send the party on a suicide run against some trolls. Finding another job in a town in the opposite direction that paid well for a simple gathering job. Having the others do the work to secure travel, Caerso gets ready to leave. Before the cart goes he gets the party together for a drink to adventure. As the party drinks Caerso hops on the cart and makes his way to the Village of Blackthorn.
  Caerso travels safely on the cart with a group of traders. Going a bit slower and on a more wider arch to the village and doesn't arrive until later in the evening as the party had returned from facing bears. Finding it as good of a time as ever he approaches the party who have sat down to enjoy a meal. At least this party had member over 4 feet tall. Introducing himself with a natural air as he has done hundreds of times before. Feyrith and Ballad take over the conversation as they introduced themselves and the rest of the party. Caerso explains how he tragically lost his party and was looking for others to adventure with. Hoping that this would be a good easy job to got some gold from. Feyrith and Ballad seeing no issue in them joining making the job easier, Ballad offers his amount of the pay since he has savings and this is your guys first job with the guild. The group has a good evening of introductions and conversation, and as night aproaches the group makes their way to the innkeeper. A firbolg with a big dirty apron named Mikey Laddle. Telling them that the guild pays for their rooms, the group splits up to their rooms and settle down for the night.
  The next morning the group gathers for breakfast and prep as they ready themselves for lots of walking and maybe fighting. Once everyone was ready they set out towards the badgers den. After a bad roll and a little getting lost they arrive around noon at a massive dead tree near a cliff face covered in holes. The group bounces ideas back and forth till they agree to make a loud noise to draw out the badgers and while the main group dealt with them Pine would wildshape into one and sneak in. Hoping the badgers would be to focused with what was going on outside to notice them.
  And for once a dnd plan falls into place. The group drags out the badgers that were gaurding the enterance as Feyrith and Pine make their way in through the bottom and Silvyr, Caerso, and Ballad made their way in through the top. The top group running into a little more trouble then the bottom. They group makes their way towards the center area that glows softly blue. Leading the party to it. Inside is a gathering of badgers. Catching those on the inside by surprise, the slaughter was quick as Feyriths spells and Caerso's blades make quick work of the group on the inside. The party collects the moss they need. Ballad takes some furs to sell. Again. And Feyrith finds some crude gems that the badgers were collection from what they found while digging. One more trial remains for the party.

Rewards Granted

4 gp for Caerso's performance

Character(s) interacted with

Mikey Laddle
Billy the Gnome Artificer
Bob the Dwarf Wizard
Joe the Halfling Rogue
Legends Genesis
Silvyr Thromifeth
Feyrith Austrom
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
01 Dec 2021
Primary Location
Related Characters


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