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Theodahad's Manor

In the bustling town of Nogginsby, the epitome of irony is personified by the grandiose manor of Theodahad Cuninganst. This architectural anomaly, a towering structure amidst the dim hues of Nogginsby's shades, serves as a stark contrast to its surroundings, drawing the attention and speculation of locals and visitors alike. Nestled in the heart of the town's most impoverished district, the manor's placement has fueled widespread conjecture regarding Theodahad's motives. Some believe it is a nod to a nostalgia-laden childhood, while others argue it affords him a strategic vantage point to oversee the comings and goings within the shades, a territory he is rumored to own a significant portion of.   Constructed under the guidance of an imaginative yet extravagant designer, the manor has become synonymous not with its architectural grandeur but rather as a foreboding symbol of Theodahad's iron grip on dissenters. Tales whisper of unruly employees and vocal protestors who, upon entering the gates of the manor, seem to disappear into the ether, their fates shrouded in mystery. The manor's access remains strictly limited to Theodahad's inner circle and a select staff, each member rigorously screened and ominously reminded of their expendability by Theodahad himself. This fortified residence stands not only as a physical manifestation of Theodahad's power but also as a chilling reminder of the silence that befalls those who dare to challenge him.


The surface parts of the manor are currently still in a bad shape due to the fire that occured during the battle with Theodahad. Most of the roof has given up, and large parts of the manor have caved in. However, after a hefty sum, paid to the city's renovation guild, the manor will most likely recover from this little accident.    
    The subterranean cellar of the manor is still intact, except for the damage that was inflicted by it's previous owner, indicated by the multitude of runes carved in an ancient tongue, and the corruption of the lower parts by the mysterious material, described by Jorrik as once being called 'Blastonium'.    
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