Alexis Redmond Character in Ashrain | World Anvil
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Alexis Redmond

Alexis Redmond (a.k.a. Lexa)

Alexis Redmond is the protagonist of the Ashrain storyline. Born some years before the Great Cataclysm that wiped out virtually the entire human race, including her entire family, Alexis grew up alone in the harsh new world of Ashrain, surviving with the help of fellow survivors and her own iron will, forged through the grueling toil of the new world. Now, over a decade later, she travels across the rugged, unforgiving wasteland that was once the North American Midwest, in pursuit of a goal that she is willing to achieve at any cost, and by any means.  


  Alexis Redmond was thirteen years old when the Great Cataclysm occurred. Fourteen years later, at twenty-seven, a life spent in the ruined, fallen world of Ashrain has hardened her into a cold, calculating machine built for survival against unimaginable odds.  





Before the End

  Alexis Redmond grew up in the city of Maple Hill, North Carolina, the eldest daughter of a family of four including her mother, father, and younger sister by several years. Driven and motivated, she had big plans for her life when she grew up, and strived to achieve those ends even from an early age. Consequentially, she would later consider herself to be somewhat neglectful of her sibling and family, often spending more time in her studies or pursuits than enjoying the little moments, like playing with her sister in the backyard or helping her mother tend her herb garden in the backyard of their family home. She was very saavy in the outdoors and had a love of camping, wildlife, and exploration. Her sense of direction was particularly keen, a skil which she put to use in hobbies that included geocaching and hiking. Alexis's father would often say of her that she could find her way home without a compass in the apocalypse.   When Alexis was thirteen years old, she left home on her own for the first time to attend a hiking trip with friends in the Rocky Mountains on the other side of the country. It was her dream trip, hosted by a family friend, and involved a week-long trek with multiple camping stops. After saying a tearful farewell to her family, she boarded a plane, flew to an airport in California, and from there set off for the mountains. After arriving at their destination, they began the first leg of their trek, journeying for two days and stopping in a small village deep in the mountains on the third.  

Forty-Seven Seconds

  While they were stopped in the little mountain town, Alexis pulled out her phone to casually scroll through social media in the hopes of seeing what her family was up to while she was away. While scrolling through posts, she happened upon a live feed from Washington DC, a live feed which depicted a massive, unidentified object hovering over the city, having descended from the sky. The feed lasted for forty-seven seconds exactly. Then, it ended in a buzz of feedback. A moment later, Alexis's phone died, along with every other mechanical device in the small village: phones, lights, cars, and everything else. The blackout was immediate and global, wiping out every last piece of electrical technology humanity possessed.   At first, Alexis and her small group of friends, along with others in the small mountain town, wondered if it was simply a mistake. A problem with the local power grid. Only one person in the village had been watching the right news feed at the right time to see the colossal object floating in midair above the US Capital. As such, there was little panic in the village during the first hour following the blackout.   Then, as the second hour passed, the Great Cataclysm rolled over them.  


  Alexis and her group survived X-Day by luck. As with many others who found themselves within mountainous regions such as the Rockies, the Appalachians, or the Himalayas, the cover of the mountains provided shelter from the worst effects of the world-ending event known afterwards by many as the Great Cataclysm. When the tides of fire, hundreds of feet high, swept across the land and burned everything human-kind had strived for hundreds of years to create to cinders and ashes, they broke upon the sides of the mountains, leaving many places within them preserved. But whether scorched by the inferno or not, no place on Earth could avoid the earthquakes, the volcanic eruptions, and the shrouding by the global ash cloud that followed. Within the mountains, shelter was possible in caves and canyons. By quick action and steady thinking, the adult leader of Alexis's party managed to keep her children and her charges alive until the end of X-Day. From there, it became a matter of survival as the world came apart and was remade into the desolate wasteland later to be known as Ashrain.   Alexis was the only member of her party who had seen the forty-seven seconds of news footage showing the aliens arriving in DC. As such, she was the only one who knew, throughout the initial destruction, that the epicenter might be in Washington DC, just a few hundred miles north of where her family and the families of nearly everybody she was with lived. And unfortunately, with the global blackout, there was no way for any of them to verify whether any of their loved ones had survived.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Maple Hill, NC
Dark blue
Long, wavy, red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and burnt
5' 10"
190 lbs


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