Session 129 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

After our group photo by Kammy, the skeletal construct Ping Wing summoned in began to help clean up the ballroom while we got into a group discussion over Fortuna and her infamous ‘Friendly Fire’ dial. She claims whatever the dial is set to, she must follow, including impulsively attacking us if the setting is on. It was all nonsense to me, and I aired my thoughts on the matter. Though hooves were ready to be pointed right back as everyone began questioning my knowledge of Senka. I assured everyone that I didn’t know she was going to be a problem for us, and that I hadn’t had a reason to mention her. It certainly wasn’t their business, and I genuinely didn’t know she’d cause trouble. In the end it felt like a lecture, and I felt far too old to be lectured by ponies younger than me. I let it slip then that the only time I had seen Senka previously was on the airship over the waters of the northern continent, on our way to Aerilon, and that she had been the one to bring the crows that attacked us. We defended ourselves by producing the Scroll of Abyssal Pact that we had found in the bank beneath Aerilon, that was summoning Senka, and was signed by an “R Enigma”. Kammy identifies her as Ravine, one of Nettlekiss’s models. Lastly, we ruminated on the fact that Senka isn’t a kirin, but Jinx is, and apparently, they are mother and daughter. That actually hadn’t occurred to me before however I could tell she didn’t want to talk about it, especially in front of everyone else, so I helped shake them off of the topic. Fireheart stepped up to educate us on the phantoms we faced. After images left behind that were able to pull themselves together by gathering at the incredible beacon of power we had been giving off, but after vanquishing the evil of Sarsy’s Necronomicon, Morlog’s Phantom, and Senka’s Phantom, that storm seemed to pass. Fireheart also suggested we use the Aetherstone dagger that Morlog had dropped to set up a teleportation beacon on the airship, so that we may teleport to and from it. A plan for later. While Sarsy and Ophie were discussing their special books, I got a Sending from Kaffe to summon us to her Kaffe. Koh-I-Noor apparently not in a good mood.   On the way to her Korner we ran into the rest of our friends, including the deer. Apparently they had gotten into a scrap with Ravine Enigma! Wicker Wind tried but was unable to get a hold of her. We left it for now and continued to the Korner where we found an enraged crystal dragon. She was distraught over the phantoms and eldritch horrors that had spawned in the ballroom on top of the Mirrorers. I was able to talk her right down. We discussed our conversation with Lord Sorshen, and wanting to speak to the Sovereign dragon about arbitrating for Lord Sorshen’s mirror. Moon Planter was released from his geas as we were informed of the details surrounding Koh-I-Noor obtaining the Mirror of Sorshen. She felt it’s better it landed in her possession rather than The Godfather, who Sorshen had grown closer to. Koh-I-Noor tried to play off that she didn’t care for Sorshen, but we could all tell she still harbors feelings for him, and they could benefit from some counseling the same way Kaffe and Hubby did.   With that settled, we went back to the ballroom with Koh-I-Noor to examine the damage and work together to get it cleaned up for the ball. All things considered I’d say the group did a damn fine job. Wicker Wind seemed to be Koh-I-Noor’s special helper with crafting and plant restoration. He even got to help her in announcing the start of the ball. Ponies began to file in with the inclusion of a tattered and beaten Ivory Drop who assured she was okay, followed by Chaffe, Chauffeur in his kirin form to make good on his promise to be Sarsy’s date even if a bit late. He apologized stating he had to gather someone. That someone was a griffon named Peregrine, a bird I’ve heard of at least from Electra. It made for an emotional, heartfelt reunion for the special occasion, a gift she more than appreciated. In pairs, our arrival was announced and we were invited to break the ice with the first dance.   A fun afternoon of dancing was followed by an opportunity to sit down and discuss next steps. We devised a plan a plan to split our large group into two. One of us would go to Goldenport, and the other to Druideim. Once squared away we returned to Koh-I-Noor to try and appeal once more to free Shabaka. I was surprised, and delighted that she agreed to so long a she stays out of her city. Moon Planter then noticed a dog deliver a package. Opening it and reading it, it was from The Traveler inviting us to Druideim, with a seed as our ticket of passage. It is an elder seed. The seed for an elder tree! Our conversation was cut off by the announcement that the votes of the runway were tallied, and results ready to be revealed!  

Old Bird Baxterson Savors the Grandeur of Krystal Ball: A Heartwarming Encounter

Hello, fine folks! This is Pearlescent bringing you stories hot off the cobblestones of the glittering Krystal Ball. Today, we're tipping our hats to one of the oldest and dearest souls in our city, Old Bird Baxterson. Known far and wide as a master Calligrapher Agent, Old Bird fluttered into an entirely new nest this year.   Yes, you heard it right! Our beloved Old Bird was not only invited to the grand spectacle that is the Krystal Ball but was also the belle of the ball at the afterparty. Surrounded by modelists and designers, Baxterson found himself amidst whispers of a new fad, the clockwork fashion. It was like a lad at his first fair, eyes wide with wonder and excitement.   Now, our Old Bird is a man of fewer words but brimming with heart. With an infectious twinkle in his eye, he said, "Well, I'll be. Never thought this ol' bird would be part of such a grand to-do. Bless those Bannermanes. They've done an old man proud, they have."   As the evening wore on, I had a chance to ask him more about his story, and the life of adventure he lived before. Old Bird became misty-eyed when he spoke of his late wife. "My missus, she was just like this Ball, she was," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "All shimmer and shine and full of life. Seeing all this beauty, I reckon she'd be right at home here."   With a smile, I have to agree. Our Diamond has a way of stoking pure emotion from her crystalline designs. But of course it's not all about the glitz and glamour; sometimes, it's about moments of unfeigned emotion and new beginnings. And trust Pearlescent to bring you these heartfelt tales that show us the true magic of the Krystal Ball - where life, love, and fashion blend seamlessly to create poignant memories.   Yours in opulence,   Pearlescent  

Hot Takes With Kammy

Greetings, fashion enthusiasts! It's time for another yearly edition of "Hot Takes with Kammy," where I, Kammy the Camera Kirin, dive into the world of fashion and deliver my unique perspectives on recent events. Today, we're going to tackle some of the more controversial things that occurred during the highly anticipated Krystal Runway. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the glamorous chaos!   Our dear Misty - oh, what a spectacle she made with her whip! A bit of a tumble, yes, but isn't there something utterly fabulous about a kirin who can make even a stumble seem like a choreographed move? The whip, my loves, wasn't a faux pas. It was a symbol - a testament to her audacity and spirit. Did you see how many cameras were on her after? I was positively shocked to see just how gracefully she handled herself even after such an unexpected little twist! I'm sure Nettlekiss is more than proud, and she has every right to be.   Which of course, brings me to her. Nettlekiss. I've heard your talk through the grapevine, and yes, it's true that only one of their designs made it to the Krystal Dome. But let's not dwell on the negatives! Instead, let's appreciate the sheer artistry and vision that went into that one selected piece. Sitting here with my piping hot cup of tea, I must say, it was a shining example of Nettlekiss's ability to captivate with their unique style. Sometimes, less is more, and in this case, that single design stole the show, leaving me wanting more from this talented designer. But of all things I hear rumors about, perhaps there is none more than our dearest Magnifique.   Ah, the Magnifique saga - one design didn't charm our Crystal Dragon. But here's a Kammy exclusive: fashion isn't about pleasing everyone. It's about making a bold statement, even if it ruffles a few feathers. Personally, I found the design refreshingly audacious. After all, in a world of sequins and silk, a little rebellion never hurts - Looking at you, Sarsy~. She seemed not only daring enough to put such pieces up there, but daring enough to couple it with a more… daring entrepreneurial spirit it seemed. Perhaps TOO daring to some, but I believe it was all the more bold a statement from her this year. Instead of merely making a statement, he saw an opportunity to connect with the Crystal Dragon on a personal level. Maybe, just maybe, his approach was an ingenious way to sell not just a garment, but an experience. Fashion is about more than fabric; it's about evoking emotions and forging connections. Eugene's unconventional tactics may have left an indelible mark on the Crystal Dragon's memory.   In the world of fashion, the line between success and failure can be as delicate as a stitch. But it's our duty as fashion enthusiasts to find beauty in imperfections and celebrate the bravery of those who dare to take risks. So, my darlings, let's applaud the designers and models who graced the Krystal Runway, acknowledging their moments of brilliance and their undeniable resilience.   Remember, fashion is ever-evolving, and it's the imperfections that make it a captivating art form. Until next time,   Stay fabulous and stay tuned,   Kammy the Camera Kirin
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Electra Pleiades
Sarsaparilla Surprise
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
22 Jul 2023