Session 52 Report

General Summary

Triple's Log

THINGS GOT WORSE. Today we tried to go and save that prisoner. Since the kobalds were on high alert, we had to be sneaky. Guess what, that means I had to come along.   "We need you to get rid of all these traps, Triple" they all said. Meanwhile because Ord stepping around is as loud as Tabu when we lose out on making money, she got to stay back and sleep or something. Swift got to stay too, he made the plan and probably was dead tired, so it's fine.   The plan was simple. We would just sneak by and Sister Ash would provide a distraction with her giant bat form. I wouldn't even need to free the prisoner, Moon Planter was nice enough to do it for me! Or... Maybe he thought I'd suck at doing it, darn it!   Well actually that's okay, because as we waited, everything went badly. So no one will blame me!   Sister Ash was downed. The kobalds started to hurt the prisoner. Shabaka started sneaking over there and got attacked, Seelah didn't want the prisoner to die so she started swinging.   Basically, any hopes of this being stealthy went out the window. I ran away, like last time. At least everyone else was running too, or so I thought.   We started running back, and I was insane enough to follow. We came back to Seelah, Sister Ash, and Shabaka getting captured. Shabaka is very brave, I don't care what everyone says. He's at least braver than me. And I don't know why, but I kinda feel bad for making fun of Seelah all those times. She actually has some principles.   I don't know how it could get much worse, but I'm scared because I don't think the worst is over yet.   Sarsparilla, what would you do if you were here!?
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
"Sister Ash"
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Cher Nobyl
Report Date
28 Sep 2021