Session 60 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

The plan had been set where Murabak, Tangent, and I would be swimming in a few minutes after the main group had done so, but what hadn’t been a part of the plan was being teleported into the pyramid itself! Apparently the lot managed to do some good even without me, and I essentially got to join them in their evacuation. Well whatever they did, it seemed to get noticed by Heatfang who very angrily slammed himself against the side of the pyramid, his deep, angry roars just as impactful through the walls as he demanded to know what was going on. He spoke to kobolds waiting by the doors and told them to go in and check, which they did and which led them right to us.   Ready as ever, we held our grounds with Triple and I taking the front lines and Cher setting up a gaseous trap further down the hallway—which Murabak and the penguin bird were more than happy to run headfirst into. Rookies… One of them fell pray to his own weapon as the kobolds rather easily handled the purrsian, and they both fell to Cher’s fireball explosion, which we’re lucky the entire pyramid around us didn’t collapse in as a result of! We fought off the 6 kobolds and Cher’s insistence on killing Murabak before sneaking out. We had to take the long way around the city as Heatfang was in good view of the safehouse we’d been using, but thankfully we were able to easily blend into the panic and hysteria of the city. I thought it’d be a good opportunity to sneak into the ziggurat and help Gyro escape, but Ping Wing said it probably wasn’t a good idea. I’m positive it would have worked, but eh.   We eventually migrated to another safehouse where we learned the 3 Aetherstone we had were actually all we needed! And with the teleportation magic back in play, all we needed was to find a spot, set up, and prepare. Triple decided to go out in the middle of the night to do some… reconnaissance? I couldn’t quite tell but I guess that’s how rogues like to operate.
The Bannermanes
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Cher Nobyl
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
17 Nov 2021