Session 76 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

We made it back to Bellmare and had to lie to get Belle Hop back in. Apparently she lost her job, and therefore lost her citizenship in the city. When we made it to the Bannermanes headquarters, there was a massive and angry crowd outside. Many of the visitors to this city have been afflicted by Poison Joke, and attempted to storm the Bannermanes HQ because the vacationers blame them. I convinced Push Pin to distract the crowd with flips, and we snuck in through the Gobbo hole on the side of the building. Once inside, we got right to work, and made the brew. The Mainstitch was glad we brought back so many. Fireheart and I were the first to drink the brew. It was boiling hot, but my Ring of Fire Resistance protected me. Having tested to make sure it's safe, the rest of us took the brew, and slowly turned back to our original selves. The Mainstitch then gave the cure to all the civilians there at the HQ first. We were given a thermos for our other companions, and assisted in distributing the cure to everyone. Some were angry, but everyone appreciated finally being cured. One older Kirin in particular was impatient.   She demanded to leave immediately, and wanted the door opened. A Cleric was maintaining a shield around the building to hold everyone out. She was acting out of line, so I informed her of the high cost of obtaining the cure. I had to speak sternly, but I managed to convince her that her patience was a small price to pay in exchange for being cured. After that, she calmed down, and politely left. When the doors opened, the crowd outside was standing over Push Pin, bullying him. They looked up and started moving toward the entrance. I called for their attention and explained everyone would be cured in an orderly fashion. I was concerned I was about to lose control of the crowd, but thankfully, my Bannermanes stepped in to help bring everyone into order. Crisis averted. We returned back to the Crescent Moon Hotel. I've been nearly begging to play Volleyball since we got here. Swift and I made ourselves Team Captains, and chose 3 players each. Swift chose Misty, Triple, and Ivory Drop. I chose Fireheart, Ping Wing, and Belle Hop. Ping Wing was nervous, but I wanted us to all have fun. I fought as hard as I could score points for my team, but Swift and Triple worked together too well. Belle Hop and I were strong, but we got outplayed. At one point, Swift hit Ping Wing in the face. Triple hit the ball to me. I jumped and caught it, but hit it out of bounds. On the third serve, my team worked together, and caught Team Swift slipping. We lost 2-1, but it was tremendous fun. I hope we can do this more often next time, and with more players.   Belle Hop wanted to check on the 13th floor, and see how the ghosts were doing. We took one of the currently employed Belle Mares to the 13th floor, and we stepped off onto the rowdiest party I've ever heard. A bouncer tried stopping us, but Granpapi let us in. The ghosts have certainly made themselves at home. We brought up Ord and asked if it were possible for us to see her. Granpapi said she was sleeping in Room A. Moon Planter ran to the room, and ran in to see a massive ghostly image of Ord. I yelled in excitement, and kicked the bed until Ord woke up.   Ord rose up, and gave a fierce shout at us to scare us, but we were too happy to see her. Ord was happy to see us too. Triple astutely pointed out that ghosts usually stay when they have unfinished business. Ord explained that she never learned how to swim. Since we put her in a barrel out to sea at her funeral, she's likely never going to leave. That being said, it was great to speak to her again. She wants us to take Ol' Bessy and turn her into a legend. Duk even agreed to write epic songs about her sword, and Swift would carry her into battles.   Belle Hop saw Ord had some massive spikes in her body left over from the trap she died to. Belle used some kind of ability to hammer the spikes out, and it seemed to relieve a lot of pain Ord was experiencing. Now she just has a huge hole in her chest. Ord then challenged me to a hoof wrestling rematch. I gladly accepted, and lost just as easily as the first time we wrestled.   I put all my might into it, but she threw me to the floor once again. Oddly, Triple was able to beat her. He's certainly gotten stronger training with me, but it baffles me how he beat her, but I couldn't. Ord also wrestled Ping Wing. It looked like Ping was doing his best, but Ping was thrown to the floor as well. Ord gave us all hugs. I gave Ord a crushing hug around her neck, and she gave me one in kind. We said our goodbyes, and promised to return to tell Ord the stories of our adventures.   Once we finished visiting with Ord, and playing our Volley Ball game, I made my move and whispered to Fireheart. She's been very reserved this whole time even though we've shared the same bed. I thought that tonight, being the last night in Bellmare, would be the best night to finally have sex for the first time. We went to the room, but I messed it all up. I fumbled my words like an idiot, and in a panic shouted I was a virgin. Of all the monsters I've fought, I've never been more scared than facing the prospect of finally having sex. I've always wanted to, but never spoke to a mare for any reason other than work.   The idea of flirting and being romantic is beyond me. I can face down a dragon, and leap in front of an army of Kobolds, but I can't even kiss a mare without breaking a sweat. I'm just glad no one else was around to hear any of this. If word got out about this embarrassing event, I'd likely decapitate someone. At least I got to share a bed with a beautiful mare for the first time. Even if it was just to sleep next to her. I fell asleep angry and confused.  

Swift's Log

That was perhaps the greatest seven-day stretch I’ve had in the last 10 years. While others chose to work, I opted to kick back with Madame Fortuna, Sarsaprilla, Mubarak, Ivory Drop, and the kirins (minus Fireheart). Absolute peace, serenity, and pleasure spanned across shows, dinners, pools, beaches… and bedrooms. But when I saw Belle Hop re-enter the hotel and spot us by the pool, I knew our vacation was soon to end. She wanted to order drinks for the ponies that had been afflicted by the Poison Joke, Misty saying it’d be okay to do on Buckback’s behalf. I resumed relaxing while Belle Hop and another cute bellmare carried a lot of drinks away. I’m not privy to what went on while they were gone, but when they came back Moon Planter was adamant about getting the volleyball game set up. A bat set on a mission with conviction that I can respect. I was of course named one of the team captains alongside him, perfectly crafting a party of beauty, brains, and strategy. We played a few games while Duk cheered and Jinx lazed, and both teams made it an event to be remembered, much more fun than I perhaps anticipated! We’ve got a number of competitive creatures in this group, and other fun-loving ones that made for a great set of games that saw my team with a clear initial upper hand, but Moon Planter’s leadership managed to inspire his team to get one over on us at the end! I was happy about that, all of us deserved to have a joyous memory. Though when I attempted to spike it to Ping Wing, giving him an opportunity to shine in front of Duk, he unfortunately floundered… After the pool, the party decided to check out the 13th floor and see how the ghosts and spirits were doing. We met a bouncer who asked for invitations, but we found Granpapi and he vouched for us, letting us in. The ghosts seemed to ignore Wicker Wind, and the rest of us were intrigued with the ongoings on the floor Belle Hop said something that seemed to make most the lightbulb’s over our heads turn on. Those of us who remembered her had the same, simultaneous thought: Ord! We asked of the fat-assed antean and Granpapi confirmed that she was in fact here! It was an absolutely crazy coincidence, and though she was sleeping we couldn’t leave without seeing her. Moon Planter woke her up, and the party quickly funneled in, overjoyed to see the spirit of our dead friend. Hugs were given, and even if it hurt us in a very small way, that pain was overshadowed by the warmth and fond memories of seeing her again.   We caught up a bit, and spirits were never able to be kept low for long. She was perhaps more intimidating as I commented on how the party wasn’t the same without her grand posterior, which she took offense to. Though I assured her it was a compliment and had Moon Planter back me up. Ord challenged Moon Planter to another hoof wrestling competition, one which he was still unable to best the ghost in as she made little work of him. Tangent again gave Ord a struggle, enough to scare the ghost. Finally Triple Sevens took his turn, and actually managed to fell the antean ghost in her game of strength! That was marvelous, and suddenly an idea sparked in my head! I went to fetch Ping Wing, pushing him into the room and sitting him down. I spoke to Ord and gave subtle hints and nods to Duk that Ping Wing had another opportunity to shine and show off to the lass. He did his best, and Ord seemed to get the idea but… eesh that lad really is scrawny. Honestly, I keep sizing up opportunities for this lad to shine and show off on a silver platter and he keeps dropping the ball, and now I come to find my services are needed even more among the party. I guess work is never done for Swift Sail, The Matchmaker.   Though that’s for another time. The party was all done with vacation and decided it was time to move on. I sort of was missing the grind of adventuring and getting to shine out in battle, though I knew it meant splitting from Jinx and Misty for the time being. Kisses and hugs were traded, goodbye’s given, and assurance we’d see each other again soon enough before I joined the party to board the airship, ready to set off for more glory.
The Bannermanes
Wicker Wind
Tangent Field
Nord Pone
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Belle Hop
Swift Sail
Report Date
15 Mar 2022