Session 82 Report

General Summary

Planter's Log

The party rejoined us at our camp site. We had fought off a couple of scouts who were looking for missing party members, but were little threat to us. They were disposed of quickly, and spilled their guts just as easily. We traveled north after eating, and reached the cliff side where the treasure was marked on the map. Swift and I flew to the top of the cliff face to watch for Gobbos and traps. Nothing was seen, so Swift flew back down and I stayed up top to keep a look out. Tangent called up from the ground 200 feet down, and I flew down to rejoin the party. Triple found an illusioned cave entrance. We took a portion of our party, and the rest stayed behind to keep an eye out. A chest was found inside the cave along with Gobbos. Triple was caught fiddling with the chest, and the Gobbos were alerted. We fought them off expertly, and discovered most of their weapons dissolved back into stones and sticks once they died. One Gobbo had an arcane mark on its head. Two legendary painting were found in the Gobbo cave painted by Semitone. The paintings were landscapes. One of the mountains near Druidaem, and the other of the mountains between Fort Advocacy, and Goldenport.   We've discovered the Gobbos at the train tracks were associated with the Ankh symbol the Jackals use. We suspected these Rock Skin Gobbos are being used by the Jackals to guard the treasure we found, since Gobbo hordes aren't kept in such pristine condition. The Gobbo with the symbol on its head was identified as a Magebite Tribe. This is completely out of place because the majority of the Gobbos in the cave were Rock Skin Tribe. According to Grot, the Magebites are the worst Gobbos because they read. They're also incredibly tricky because they cast spells. If these two tribes are fighting together, something is definitely wrong.   We began traveling West toward Holbeck, and by the time we reached the town, that same fear aura overcame us, and I felt a foreboding fear overcome me. We saw a patrol moving through the city and road, so we opted to sleep outside the city for the night. We know Balconey Blitz and Wickerwind are supposed to be in the city, so our casters will prepare Sending in the morning to find them. During our watches, we found the guards wearing Jackals uniforms are moving in and out of a specific greenhouse.   Ping Wing contacted the Captain of our air ship, and discovered he and crew got too spooked, so they left. We don't know where. Wickerwind and Balconey Blitz have been captured and tied up within the city. We don't know their location, but now this has turned into a rescue mission. We snuck into Holbeck, and Triple began following leads to find the Ruminants. We learned they were seen exiting the train station, so we traveled there. Belle Hop found a talisman that was crafted by Wickerwind. It appears to have been discarded in a scuffle.   Triple offered to disguise himself as a Jackal, and scope out the Bannermanes Museum. We went to a temple to seek refuge while we waited for Triple to return. Stockade started to take us to a Sun Queen temple, but we received word the Bannermanes Museum is ransacked, and empty. When we arrived, Triple gave us a bunch of necklaces with black pearls on them.   A look around the museum broke my heart. All of our history was stolen off the walls. These Jackals didn't just steal priceless artifacts, they stole from the very soul of the Bannermanes themselves. These bastards are going to pay a high price for every piece not returned undamaged. Thank the Moon Princess we saved what we have so far.   Triple left again to attempt to locate Wickerwind and Balconey Blitz. We're safe in the Museum for the time being. Triple returned and informed us of a crazy pony who looks like a glass creature we've encountered already. He wields a Falchion and stole the soul of a Persian to give Triple a Sneak Paw position. Swift Sail and I used the Holy Ancestrial Echoing Temple Sword to learn about Horror Mea Pena Kiʻi. An intelligent great sword that had corrupted Rime. We know that Mea Pena Kiʻi is sealed away in Holbeck by Nevermore, but we don't know the location.   Triple returned to Wickerwind and Balconey Blitz to attempt to free them using his new rank. I'm in pain seeing the destruction of this museum, and I fear the Horror Mea Pena Kiʻi has been found. We know it was sealed away here in Holbeck somewhere, but if my suspicions are correct, then it's been found. Wickerwind and Balconey Blitz's safety must be our first priority. Once we rescue them, we can find out more about what's happened here.  

Swift's Log

The last piece of business to attend to before entering Holbeck was investigating the marked area East of the town, and north of where we’d last camped. Just a day’s travel we reached the base of the cliff. Cautiously, Moon Planter wanted to check the top of it to ensure nothing would be pushed onto us from below. I joined him and though the coast was clear, he wanted to stay up top. When I returned to the party, I found that Triple had discovered an illusion into a cave. Moon Planter rejoined us as nothing would fall while we were inside the cave. Triple snuck around and we couldn’t see him too well in the darker cave, but before long we heard gobbo sounds. Curiously, a gobbo that faced me had an ability to replicate my Storm Flash rapier—at least in visual design. I couldn’t see any magical property on it otherwise. I received a nasty hit that kept me a bit clumsy and drained otherwise… though I wouldn’t let it stop me. Even as Moon Planter made good maneuvers to offer an elixir to me—but I had other idea, especially seeing gobbos start to swarm our newest kirin! I did as I always do, saving the pretty lass while securing a beautiful strike that put 2 of the gobbos down. I went to intercept the leader as he made a break for the exit. As the gobbos went down, we noticed their colors changing, bodies morphing almost as though they were changling-esque. It was freaky, but our efforts earned us more lost and stolen treasures from the museum. We stopped outside of Holbeck and used the chance to scout from afar. A sending was used to see if the two ruminants were in the town where we’d expected them to be, and one answered back that they were trapped and tied up, but didn’t know where specifically. We began to investigate while sneaking through town. It seemed like there was no oppression as we’d seen in Wati, though the goons were quite firm in assuring no one was trying to smuggle treasures out. Triple took the lead with his disguising and infiltration of the green house we’d gotten a tip for. Triple described finding a hooded, crazed leader and when he made a brave suggestion that he could do any job needed, despite not being a purrsian, he was given the job. He also confirmed the location of the two ruminants.   I’m not very sure how to proceed. Honestly, the leader being as crazy as Triple described further aligns with the implication that Mea Pena Ki’i is here, was in the museum, and has been claimed by this new leader. I’ll be ready to leap into battle when need be, but for the moment I’m stumped.
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
16 May 2022