Session 83 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

Camped out in the museum, visions of pretty scales and fluffy manes filled my mind at some point during my watch and before I knew it, I was being awoken by Moon Planter and his pinecone. Apparently in the hour or two that I might have dozed off, two fully detailed murals showed up in the museum and Moon Planter was incredibly suspicious and cautious over it. I admit it was a bit weird, but we weren’t being fought and he was insisting we were compromised and needed to relocate… Thankfully sense prevailed as the rest of the party agreed we were fine where we were. Moon Planter did want to pick up security and when I offered to pull a double shift with Ophie and Electra, I was told to go to bed. I told them “next time then”. After the night, we took a bit to go over a few options, ultimately too many options and the aura of fear over the city was distracting. I did my best to reassure the group and ease them. It worked for some. We ultimately settled on having Triple cause a distraction to pull some of the goons away from the greenhouse while we went in to fight and rescue the two ruminant. Using a sphere of invisibility we moved to the greenhouse. Stocks, Fireheart, Belle Hop, and Duk stayed back. Triple went to set off some distractions, it seemed to work as smoke rose into the town and goons fled, we were able to sneak in. Not having a plan also meant we were really just leaping into battle, and so be it. Moon Planter went in deep and got himself quickly surrounded. I dazzled with two brutish looking goons and Triple snuck off to find the ruminants. This left our casters to safely free fire from the backlines. Fortuna rapidly fired off her scorching rays and secured kills left and right, while Electra got herself blasted by a disintegrate that was blasted back to her by one of those tricky mirror creatures. During the fight Ophie walked her way into range of one of the brutes to get herself smacked right in front of me. I can’t help but suspect she may have done so just to be saved by me, which of course I did! I led him away before he tried to escape through a door. I chased after him, but found clear glass walls and windows that exposed me to more goons in the greenhouse that joined in the fight then.   I made a grand tumble through the window to engage them… and unknowingly right into view of yet another room with a few more goons. While I fought them off, I noticed a pursian who had been crying. I instructed her to stay out of the fight if she didn’t want to get hurt, and she did. Moon Planter and Ping Wing fought around to the other side, an overall well balanced two-point attack that turned into three-points as the ruminants appeared from one of the rooms! By this point we had numbers and strength, and at some point Madame Fortuna looked like a robotic kirin all her own… A marvelous and relatively stress free fight that eventually led to what we thought to be the destruction of the hooded, crazy ‘mainstitch’. I tried to disasrm him, but the party went ahead and downed him—at least we’d thought.   Using smoke and mirrors tricks, the creature had snuck away, then lifted his sword and used it to cast some strange, unholy magic that started to turn the bodies into—paint? This fight doesn’t look to be over…  

Triple's Log

Last time: While hiding from The Jackals in the abandoned museum, the party woke up to a mysterious oil portrait of the deceased Doot. The image had seemingly been painted on the wall overnight. Moon Planter feared that it was a sign they had been discovered. Swift believed it appeared too quickly for somene to have snuck in and painted it manually.   Spooked by their old teammate's visage and with little time on their hooves, the party planned how they'd break out the two captured Bannermanes: Wicker Wind and Balcony Blitz. They sent their rogue out to create a distraction with some smoke signals Electra provided.   The party also considered what to do with the necklaces they had found the day before. These necklaces would prevent them from suffering the fear aura that plagued the city, but Ophie, the cleric, knew that they were likely cursed jewelry. Therefore, everyone except the disguised rogue wore one.   Once the distraction was set off, the party approached the greenhouse with an invisibility sphere and attacked.   Moon Planter ran in and used his gravity sword to cut down the guards. It wasn't easy; in the process he was beaten to near death. However, he remained standing and fighting as if possessed. At one point a Jackel hit Moon so hard in the throat that he was unable to speak. Thankfully, Ophie's divine magic restored him.   The rogue was sent in to free the deer. He was able to sneak so well that not even Wicker Wind knows who freed him that day.   Fortuna was able to make quick work of the many guards trying to overwhelm the party from the sides. Ophie stayed in the back to make sure everyone wouldn't get ambushed.   Swift broke through the greenhouse window and handily defeated multiple foes, even when surrounded.   It was then when he saw the mirror pony they had been told about earlier, simply called Stitch. Stitch let out a mad laugh and lunged for Swift, attacking him with an adamantine bastard sword, but Swift was fearless. He called a powerful storm with his rapier and fought back. Swift's swordplay was so fierce — his charisma under pressure so impressive — that he was able to convince a Jackal thief to lay down her arms, which she did.   Electra, Ping Wing, and Wicker Wind fought Stitch's subordinate spellcasters. They were brothers, who also knew powerful mirror magic that made it near impossible to lay a hoof on them.   Moon Planter quickly came to Swift's aid. It was then that Stitch raised his sword to the sky, intent on activating its hidden power. However, Moon Planter stopped him before he could and smashed the mirror pony into the ground.   The party seemed to have won. They began to search the location. Moon Planter was even willing to stay and "let them come," willing to fight the rest of The Jackals in the city.   Suddenly, Stitch appeared from the shadows once more. He revealed that he only had appeared to have been felled. Raising his sword, he activated its magic. The sword caused the necklaces that every Jackal had been wearing to tighten up, before melting their bodies into a gruesome paint ooze.   The party was in little shape to keep fighting, with Fortuna's magic almost completely expended for the day. Surrounded and threatened, the party which had defeated Heatfang would need to prove whether their past successes had been nothing but luck, or if they truly were worthy of the title of Bannermanes.
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Electra Pleiades
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Belle Hop
Swift Sail
Report Date
24 May 2022