Session 89 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

Loss. The permanent absence of a part of your life. No matter how big or small a piece of you is gone that can never be gotten back. Gods and grand deities above, powerful adventurers, and mild-mannered farmers all face it in some way or form. I’ve felt it, you know I have for the last ten years and I’m sure I’ll continue to feel it for one hundred more even as I say I’ve moved on. Moving on isn’t that easy though. As you’ve lost someone, you yourself feel just as lost in your own life with that piece of you gone. A soul to wonder aimlessly, to find a new home or whatever semblance to a home you can however different it may be. It is perhaps the thing I fear most in this world. One I’ve already faced but one still left to be conquered. I’ll clear the air by writing out Lucky’s plan: He fairly traded for the egg which he intended to use to drain the magic from in order to power the bubble around his tortoise so she herself would not have to further drain magic and life energy. He’s the last remaining member of his own crew, and the ponies we saw aboard were nothing but illusions created by the tortoise as well, who didn’t wish for her friend to be so alone… It was a harrowing reality to discover and I felt dearly for the hippogriff. Some of the party I felt were too quick to get to the point. Perhaps the reality of our own significance is carrying our egos a bit too far. Even before learning the truth of Lucky’s plight I couldn’t hold back at the quiet mutters and whispers I heard of simply stealing the egg and being done with it and to skip over such a beautiful story. I hadn’t seen Triple the whole time we’d arrived on the egg until that trisharktopus arrived, I’d assumed that was his only intention much the same… We’re not—the majority of us are not thieves and Lucky had done nothing wrong. I’m glad it didn’t come to that, but then again I wouldn’t have let it in the first place. Our power and privilege shouldn’t be to brute force our way through every inconvenience at the expense of someone else just because it’s the easier road… Though I shouldn’t harp too much, I’m sure I’ve already contradicted me-self and I very well could tomorrow though we’ll learn as we travel.   I hope for Lucky to find peace though I know it won’t be easy, and it won’t be soon. These turtle vessels are among the most wondrous things in the ocean and I’m happy the rest of the party got to see one and spend an evening, even if under such melancholic circumstances. Lucky said he’d be interested in seeing Barnsley and the work the Bannermanes there do to protect nature and these turtles especially. We’ll drop him off on our way onto Astillon and—of course to do that we’ll need to get permission from Mom. It would be nice to see her again, and right now I’m feeling particularly needing of one of her hugs.
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Nord Pone
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Belle Hop
Swift Sail
Report Date
05 Jul 2022