Session 90 Report

General Summary


Swift's Log

I’m not really sure where to start. I’ve been staring at this open book for what feels like hours. Jinx is asleep in the bed behind me and she’s brought me an egg. OUR egg apparently. Maybe I need a bit more time to process this, and honestly I need to make sure this is even real, and not some incredible ruse and wind up even more embarrassed than Cher. At least the journey has been fine and fun so far. Lucky has been quiet when we picked him and his own egg up.. a lot of eggs when I think back over the last couple of days. Kafe’s egg, that tortoise and now mine—hmmh…   On the beach Tangent’s friendship with Thumbtack better blossomed as they went off hunting berries until the airship came back for us. We brought Kafe’s egg back, and much to be expected she pounced it with incredible relief and glee. I thought she might be rowdy with excitement and I’d made sure everyone kept back—though that only put me in reach for getting scooped up and appreciatively smooched all over, such is the life I suppose… Afterwards we went back inside to catch back up and reiterate the point of our initial visit. We told them about the sword and it’s significance. We told them of the importance of it’s safety and not getting out of their sights. The only apparent threat at this point would be one of their kobolds though I trust Kafe and Hubby’s ability to keep them in check. Furthermore, we got some goodies for our trouble! Though I opted to pass on it being the selfless adventurer I am. I did get something though… Kafe pulled me back with a magical message and subtly slipped me some vial of—what looked like lava. At this point I don’t even know exactly what it is, but I understand it’s purpose now even if she was being coy and mysterious at the time.   We got back on route with the airship to stop having to pay extra gold daily and continued north to Wati. Along the way a few lighthearted high jinks ensued such as Moon Planter trying to pass a silver piece off as a platinum, and Triple having fun jumping off the side of the ship. The fun had ceased when Moon Planter and Triple found Jinx hiding under a bed. They brought her up above deck and I was soon to be called and that’s when—well in a room with the captain the news was given to me. As I wrote before I’m still trying to figure out how I feel. She seemed to care enough to keep it even given the sacrifice it would take.. and that’s part of my skepticism. Maybe I should stop writing and start finding out some concrete information, we have ponies on board that could help validate and I’d really like to know for sure because if so, I have a lot more to consider…
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Nord Pone
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
22 Jul 2022