Session 97 Report

General Summary


Swift's Log

After our night out drinking, the lot of us ended up at a motel given how plasted we all were and unable to answer the dorm question to get in. Honestly that feels like a ridiculous, dumb, and elitist method of getting into your dorm. I hope Ping Wing doesn’t have to pay for his dorm! And speaking of the hippogriff, he was up right and early knocking on our doors to get us up for school. Everyone went out, knowing we had a number of other things to investigate between fire, Babbage’s dead father, and the dead guard who was supposed to be watching Babbage’s father the night of his death. There was also Triple’s court case, a very busy week indeed! I studied at the library again with Jinx. I’m doing my best to learn and strengthen my arcane learnings while trying to keep her from getting bored. She doesn’t have an interest in the rest of the party, telling me she’s more of a loner and while I’m happy to be her company, it’s probably not the healthiest for a relationship to be her only point of contact. Above all I really don’t want to say goodbye and have her hide away in Scaletip where I could never come visit her. Both of us needing a distraction, we met up with Ophie and Tangent and Electra and went to the morgue to see the dead body of a guard. The mortician had a.. jarring set up. Spirits and ghosts flying overhead and the ceiling looking like a floating graveyard of spirits that put some spooks in the lot of us. Visually we were able to tell the body had been caught in the fire. The wand of Ghostly Tragedy was used to give us a look at the last 10 minutes of this body’s life where we could see him being guided around a home, along the way asking if various things were ‘his’. He seemed confused, like he’d had amnesia or his memory had been tampered with otherwise. 2 other figures were with him but in the manner of the spell we weren’t able to find out who. He was in his chair at the end of the spell, then suddenly burst into flames, screaming out before dying.   Foul play clearly at hand, we had to get to the fire… but it was time for Triple’s court case first. Everypony met after their classes that hadn’t been with us at the morgue and we entered the grand court that looked extremely overdone if you ask me, and Triple, Tangent, and Ophie took the stand. Triple pleaded his case, and ultimately came clean. It’s almost—no it certainly is odd the way he’s been behaving. I don’t know this situation or his past well enough to know what he may be up to but something doesn’t feel right. By the end of it, Triple was sentenced to ‘community service’ being work to investigate a leyline that had been affected in the Foggy Woods east of the city. Being damn near unstoppable heros it seems no challenge for us, but first we decided to investigate the burning buildings before any evidence that could be found was gone forever. It was there that a rather troubling discovery was made, that hoofprints of the 2 ponies that were with the deceased were Duk, and Cher Nobyl. Shock befell all of us, but Moon Planter felt confident in his identification of the tracks. Another wand brought light to a piece of paper that was found at the scene, and the table of contents were revealed as a book of cloning studies. I have no idea what this could be used for, or what Cher is up to but we know she’s had some tie with Babbage already. We were able to see Duk took off towards the forest to the east, she’s most likely hiding out in that hideout where the leyline is being disturbed.
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Belle Hop
Swift Sail
Report Date
19 Sep 2022