Session 99 Report

General Summary

Fortuna's Log

Triple's Log


Lectra's Log

  We finally made it into the entrance of the donjon after our brief trip through the foggy feywoods, and subsequent dimensional hops at the door. The first obstacle that we encountered was a group of spirits trapped by the magic inside the donjon, forever cursed to relive their downing deaths. After a short mental exchange with them, it became clear that Cher Nobyl was involved in their deaths. It was a good sign that we were on the right track, but a bad omen about what lay ahead. Although I would have preferred to find a solution that didn't involve fighting these tortured souls, it seemed that was the only way to set them free from their torment.Why the powers that be let such evil exist right next to Aerilon is beyond me. Maybe they don't even know what's happening in here. Unfortunately, we had only seen the beginning of the sorrow that this awful place holds.   After the drowned souls were defeated, we pressed on further into the lucid nightmare that this place is. After walking for a bit, we came upon... Duk. I'm still trying to come to terms with what we saw, and maybe it's just that I don't want to fully believe what my eyes were telling me. It seems like the vision that Moon Planter saw with Cher and Duk was real. It seems like Duk is dead, and that Cher killed her. I don't know what to do next, but if there is any way to fix Duk, we need to find it.
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Electra Pleiades
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
30 Sep 2022