Breath Weapon Bomb

Breath Weapon Bomb (Su)


Alchemist 6


Instead of drawing the components of, creating, and throwing a bomb, the Alchemist can draw the components, drink them, mix them within their body, and then expel them as a Breath Weapon as a Standard Action. This Breath Weapon is a 15-foot cone and has the same DC as the bomb. Each creature within the cone takes damage as if they had suffered a direct hit from the Alchemist’s bomb, but succeeding at a Reflex Save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the Alchemist’s level + the Alchemist’s Intelligent modifier) halves the damage. Unlike throwing normal bombs, drawing, drinking, and expelling breath weapon bombs does not provoke attacks of opportunity.


Acid Bomb
Air Lung
Alchemical Simulacrum
Alchemical Zombie (Su)
Anarchic Bombs* (Su)
Anguish Bomb*
Aromatic Extract
Axiomatic Bombs*
Bitter Pill
Blackstar Bomb (Su)
Blinding Bomb (Su)
Boneshard Bomb* (Su)
Bottled Ooze
Breath Weapon Bomb (Su)
Celestial Poisons
Change Alignment (Su)
Change Alignment, Greater (Su)
Cognatogen (Su)
Collective Memory (Su)
Combine Extracts (Su)
Concentrate Poison
Concussive Bomb
Confusion Bomb
Constructive Dyes (Su)
Cursed Bomb*
Cytillesh Bomb
Defoliant Bomb
Delayed Bomb
Demolition Charge
Designer Poison
Dilution (Ex)
Directed Bomb
Dispelling Bomb
Divine Inks
Doppelganger Simulacrum
Dread Bomb (Su)
Ectoplasmic Bomb*
Elemental Mutagen
Elixir of Life
Enduring Toxin
Enhance Potion (Ex)
Eternal Potion
Explosive Bomb
Explosive Calligraphy
Explosive Missile
Extend Potion
Fast Bombs
Feral Mutagen
Fey Mutagen
Flesh-Eating Bomb* (Su)
Force Bomb
Frost Bomb
Glimmering Infusion
Grand Cognatogen ()
Grand Fey Mutagen (Su)
Grand Inspiring Cognatogen (Su)
Grand Mutagen (Su)
Grand Rasugen
Grease Bomb
Greater Alchemical Simulacrum
Greater Cognatogen (Su)
Greater Constructive Dyes (Su)
Greater Divine Inks
Greater Fey Mutagen
Greater Inspiring Cognatogen (Su)
Greater Mutagen (Su)
Greater Rasugen
Grounding Goo
Healing Bomb (Su)
Healing Touch
Hellfire Bomb (Ex)
Holy Bombs
Immolation Bomb
Improved Divine Inks
Incendiary Charge
Inferno Bomb
Infuse Mutagen
Inspired Bomb
Inspiring Cognatogen (Su)
Intuitive Understanding (Su)
Lasting Tinctures ()
Lingering Spirit (Ex)
Living Pigment (Ex)
Madness Bomb
Malignant Poison
Material Mastery
Melancholy Bomb (Ex)
Method to the Madness
Monstrous Graft (Ex)
Mummification (Ex)
Mutagen (Ex)
Nauseating Flesh (Su)
Neutralizing Bomb
Ooze Blight*
Parasitic Twin
Penetrating Charge (Ex)
Phantom Limb
Pickled Quasit (Su)
Plague Bomb
Plague Vector (Su)
Poison Bomb
Poison Conversion
Precise Bombs
Precise Poison
Preserve Organs (Ex)
Profane Bomb* (Ex)
Promethean Disciple
Psychoactive Bomb
Psychokinetic Tincture
Purging Mutagen
Ranged Baptism
Remedy Extract (Su)
Remote Detonation Bomb
Sandstone Solution
Shock Bomb (Su)
Siege Bomb
Sleeper Agent
Smoke Bomb (Su)
Solid Ground
Spell Knowledge (Su)
Splitting Mutagen
Spontaneous Healing
Sticky Bomb (Ex)
Sticky Poison
Stink Bomb
Strafe Bomb
Substantiating Bomb* (Su)
Subsumed Spirit
Sunlight Acclimation (Ex)
Sunlight Bomb (Ex)
Syringe Stirge (Su)
Tainted Infusion (Su)
Tanglefoot Bomb
Tentacle (Su)
Thorny Bomb (Ex)
Tumor Familiar (Su)
Vestigial Arm (Ex)
Void Bomb (Ex)
Volumizer (Su)
Webbed Extremities (Su)
Wet Coat

Grand Discoveries

Awakened Intellect (Ex)
Eternal Youth
Fast Healing
Philosopher’s Stone
Poison Touch
True Mutagen


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