Aurelia Basin

The Aurelian Basin is one of the areas most commonly visited by the mysterious portals that bring new arrivals to the world - that is, it's one of the locations where such new arrivals have a reasonable chance of surviving that arrival, anyway.

Still, this is not to suggest that the area was exactly safe, of course. Regular disasters happened often, including but not limited to;
  • A rain of knives
  • Rain of Fire
  • Rain of Cherry Drink
  • The suns vanishing
  • Rain of molten glass
  • Rain of Rain
  • Magic breaking. Twice.
  • This does not even include more normal disasters, such as flooding, fires and earthquakes.

    In addition, monsters are a significant and continuous threat. A large part of the tasks for the adventurers who call Aurelia home is making sure such threats remain more or less under control.

    Points of Interest - Pre-Day of Stars

    Aurelian City: Once the most populous of the city-states of Aurelian, it was often the first port of call for the majority of new arrival. The magic of the Arrival Square focused the portal so that the majority of new arrivals came through there, although certainly not all of them. The city was lost, however, destroyed when a contract with a chain devil was completed. The majority of the souls within it were later rescued, but the city is still lost.
    Anfortas: Once known as the fishing village for several years as a prank against outsiders, the town of Anfortas has grown significantly. Despite the occasional attempt by the Phoenix Dragon to burn it down, the town thrived, even making the green-glass beach caused by dragon fire a symbol of there pride and stubbornness.
    Wrym's Rest: The city of Wyrm's Rest was once a thriving place where many things were legal, allowing it to build itself up with a large population of undead. A volcanic eruption ended the city, although it's ruins were occupied by the forces of Hell for a time.
    The Crossroads: Founded by Duchess Angela Langley after the fall of Wrym's Rest, the small but rapidly growing settlement was located on the crossroads between the east and west of the continent - hence the name. It even had the support of the local Hellknights, and its security included them in it's ranks.
    The Church of the Rising Sun: The main religious site for the Sarenite religion before the Dawnflower's Fall, and the last holdout of her worship with the Evening Sun's rise, this settlement is situated on the massive Mt. Gwalchmei.
    The Hamlet: Populated primarily by Werekin, the Hamlet is located in an area of prime farming lands. The local Werekin made a deal with adventurers, and were supplied massive herds of cattle in return for not eating other people, and supplying the rest of the continent as they could.
    There are a lot of undead chickens in the area, however, as is the Chicken Lich, Grixus.
    Yemiskirochi Beti: A small settlement interlinked with the Hamlet, a group of unusual elves have taken up residence there, and help to supply food to the rest of the continent.
    The Great Forest: The deepest, thickest, most dangerous part of the woods. Home to strange creatures, and rumoured to house menageries of unusual beasts, animals and monsters.  

    Former Aurelia Continent
    Aurelia Post Day of Stars
    Following the massive shift of the Day of Stars the continent of Aur looks...a touch different.

    Points of Interest - Post-Day of Stars

    The Crater of Aurelian City: Worse was yet to come for the site of Aurelian. Not long after it's fall a powerful, deranged Necromancer moved in, remaking the city as a perfect illusion populated by the undead. It now sits like a canker in the middle of the continent...
    Anfortas: With Aurelian gone Anfortas became the de-facto largest city state - the Crossroads were still growing, and the city well appointed, many chose to move there. A recent gangwar has disrupted some of the city, and an infestation of the dreaded Sap Crabs has proved to be an issue, but the city continues to thrive and grow.
    Wrym's Rest Cove: The last remains of the city now sit on the bottom of a newly formed coved, as the city that died in fire rests beneath the waves.
    The Crossroads: The prosperous little town was one of the harder hit areas by the Day of Stars. Much of the arable land near was swallowed when a new volcano rose, the Crossroad's Scar. Still, the city itself survived, and is still trying to expand. The settled population there contains quite a few veteran adventurers, and has recently seen a new hospital added to it's infrastructure...
    The Church of the Rising Sun: Now desperately struggling as there population grows thinner and weaker, the remaining Sarenites have turned to adventurers and the suddenly more accessible North in the hopes of getting there supplies.
    Mt. Gwalchmei: The massive mountain is all the remains of the mountain range it was part of, but continues to stand proud and tall. Recently the taint of the infernal plot to block out the suns have been removed and the leylines restored. The Hamlet: The Hamlet is largely unaffected by the recent changes, although there is unease and concern as to what happened to there kindred who went into the North, to hunt the megafauna there. Grixus and the undead chicken population continue to mystify the locals with there growing numbers.
    Yemiskirochi Beti: The small settlement continues, now having ready access to seafood to supplement there exports.
    The Former Great Forest: The Great Forest was the domain of Grimglob, and with the fey deities death the forest is gone, dead. A scarred mass of dead flesh and wilted trees is all that remains, populated by strange creatures that somehow survived the Grim's fall.

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