Draconic Language in Avalor | World Anvil
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Draconic is the language of dragons. Dragons call their language Glav (meaning "speech/converse"), and it uses its own distinct alphabet, called Iokharic. Other native speakers include members of draconic-related races, such as kobolds and dragonborn, and members of reptilian races such as lizardfolk and troglodytes. The early basis of magical runes is a deviation of Draconic, and the language is used as a primary means of arcane notation.   Draconic is considered to be one of the earliest languages in Avalor, alongside Sylvan. It has historically been used as a language of scholarship and administration. According to many scholars, Draconic is the oldest mortal tongue and the root language from which most mortal languages have descended. Languages such as Common share occasional phonetic similarities with Draconic.

Writing System

All Draconic languages use a script known as Iokharic.


Draconic is a language of hard consonants and sibilants that sometimes sound like hissing when spoken. It also includes a sound similar to a creature clearing its throat, "ach".   Draconic words were emphasized on the first syllable, and speakers of Draconic expressed important ideas by stressing the beginnings and the ends of words. Dragons often used this when referring to themselves, or when they wanted to command, warn, threaten, or otherwise make their point clear.
Successor Languages


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