Common Language in Avalor | World Anvil
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Common is the trade language of Avalor. Almost every sentient, civilized being speaks a smattering of it, and most are fluent. While most can not read or write in the language, it is by far the most common spoken language.   Common is the primary language of humans and generally associated most closely with them. Although humans initially conceived the Common tongue, it is not the original or native language of a number of human cultures across Avalor. Languages such as Ryūhongo exist as more ancient forms of human vernacular.   Common has a number of dialects across Avalor, most of which utilize Thorass as their alphabet. Eastern Common, used as a trade language by the nations of Eastern Vidrea, is one of the most frequently-used dialects. It has seen increased usage with the westward expansion of the Krulan Empire over the last century.

Writing System

Common utilizes Thorass, the alphabet of the now-dead Old Common.

Geographical Distribution

Nearly everyone living in a multicultural settlement in Avalor speaks some form of Common as a second language, including non-humans. Those in more secluded or homogenous areas speak it poorly, but most can get by.
Root Languages
Successor Languages


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