Giant Language in Avalor | World Anvil
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The giant language, called Jotun by those who speak it, is the ancient language of most giants. It is one of the oldest active languages. It is believed that the language shares some of its roots with Common and Thorass and is originally derived from ancient Primordial language.

Writing System

Both ancient and modern Giant is written with Dethek runes.

Ancient giants also had a set of logographic runes primarily used for runecasting, although they were also used symbolically in art to represent or refer to related giant subraces and gods. These runes did not make up a true alphabet or syllabary, but rather they are diagrams or models of the relationships between cosmic forces and the deeper truths of the universe. Although these runes have fallen out of use, they appear inscribed in a number of ancient structures, and giantkin scholars will occasionally study and reference them

Root Languages


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